Year: 2004
Catalog Number: POTE-0003
Published by: Ice & Choco
Number of Files: 25
Total Filesize: 149 MB
Date Added: Nov 11th, 2006
| Change Log
Album type: Soundtrack
Compilation of the two previous Poteneko Academy image soundtracks [POTE-0001 and POTE-0002] with two additional arrangements at the end of disc 2.
setzer & a2c (Disc 1: M1)
setzer (Disc 1: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12 | Disc 2: M2~4, 10~12)
a2c (Disc 1: M2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13 | Disc 2: M7~9)
Mint Jam (Disc 2: M1)
kya (Disc 2: M5, 6)
setzer & a2c (Disc 1: M1)
a2c (Disc 1: M12 | Disc 2: M1, 12)
setzer: (Disc 1: M13 | Disc 2: M11)