Metroid Prime was my first metroid ever, call it nostalgia, but it's one of my favorites with the most amazing and submersive soundtrack of the prime saga
The Metroid Prime trillogy has the most amazing music, from Phendrana Drifts to fighting Quadraxis to Rundas. Most amazing musical blending ever. I rate this 99999999/10.
I have to say, Nintendo did really well with the Prime series. My favorite track would have to be Magmoor Caverns. My least favorite track would have to be between the Omega Pirate Theme or the Metroid Prime battle (first phase) because they creeped me out beyond comparison! But all of the songs were (and still are) amazing for a game.
this is great music, but the page for the download is down and my email has a glitch that keeps me from emailing the webmaster, somebody please email them so they can fix it!!! please!!
This truly is one of the best OSTs I have heard in a long time. (Last time being Legend of Zelda: Link To the Past)I highly recommend this track to anyone and everyone who arrives on this page.
Tis soundtrack is REALLY a masterpiece, at least for me, not even The Legend of Zelda reach the atsmosphere that this game can make.
Kenji... something is my hero!!!
This is not the official Metroid Prime soundtrack. That one is named "Metroid Prime and Fusion Original Soundtracks". The first disc is about the same tracks as this one, however the file names are all different than these.
There are nearly 30 missing from this as well. (The official soundtrack is 78 mp3s, over two discs, and is 213mb.)
Awesome. I have been searching everywhere for the Metroid Music. :) Thank you so much! I love the music so much, especially for the Metroid Prime fight. :D And of course, Phendrana Drifts. ;P
I give the album itself a 10 because I simply love all metroid music. But WTF, when I download the songs, it says they're still located on the internet and because of this, I can't put them on my mp3. I'm using windows media player 11. Does it not work for windows media player 11? Or am I just doing somthing wrong? And why the hell are there no FAQs for this?......Unless there are FAQs and I just didn't bother to look...
From the begining metroid's music has always been about atmosphere. Metroid Prime definately delivers in this catagory. From being caught in an intense fight with the space pirates to fighting rouge chozo ghosts, this music perfectly reflects the atmosphere of whats happening. Who ever got the OST, thank you.
I like all the metroid prime soundtrack i've been looking for all these music since 1 year, i thank this web page that i finaly found theme thank you dudes!!! Big time
That game is sooooo hard! D: My brother somehow managed to beat it... I love how the music perfectly blends from one thing, (Like going from lurking space pirates to when they actually attck, it's right on mark.)) If you want the puzzle theme, it's on Metroid Echos. That game's realy hard too, but the music still meshes very well. :)
The guys who did this masterpiece are real genius and their game is really awesome O_O .Plus, it´s sountrack is some of the best that i have seen (or heard).
The soundtrack is so great...except there's one track missing, I think: The song that plays when you fight against the swarm of those red wasps in order to get the missle launcher as your reward. Does anyone know where I can download that track? Thanks in advance.
The music in this game is amazing.It really reflects the game's environments.My favourite is Phendrana Drifts,it gives a calm and chilly feeling whenever I listen to it. =)
Kenji Yamamoto is a genius. Shigeru Miyamoto is a genius. The environments in Metroid Prime are crafted in perfect Zen with the music. The boss fights are matched perfectly with the music. The music and game has very good energy.
Unfortunately the Puzzle theme has been left out. :(
By far my favorite game soundtrack, and even though it is missing a few tracks such as the Hive Totem battle the rest will make anyone who hasn't played the game want to. The score combines many different genres which make the game exciting instead of the usual game soundtrack which is just the same kind of music over and over.
Metroid Prime is a truly amazing game, and its soundtrack (composed by Kenji Yamamoto) is one of the elements that makes it so. It is beautiful, moody, and atmospheric. Every track fits the environment it was composed for - just as there are many different environments in the game, the mood varies from song to song, making each one stand out, having a feel of its own. If you haven't already played this game, listening to the music will make you want to.
01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline