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Top 100 Albums Published by XL Project

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Album Platform Type Year
Violet Windows Arrangement 2006
Claire Arrangements Windows Arrangement 2006
Rendezvous Arcade, PS2 Arrangement 2007
Alicia PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2019
RE:COLLECTIONS Arcade, PC-98, PS1, PS2, SNES, Windows Arrangement 2008
Blue Album Windows Remix 2008
East Side Lounge Windows Arrangement 2007
Claudia (XLPS-0034) PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2011
At the Sacrifice Windows Arrangement 2009
MONOCHROME Windows Arrangement 2010
Endless Festival EP Windows Remix 2008
Faith of Shrinemaiden Windows Arrangement 2007
Color of Life Windows Arrangement 2010
Tool Windows Arrangement 2019
Cosmic Travelers PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
the starry sky Windows Arrangement 2009
Multiple Far East Windows Arrangement 2007
Circle of Changes Windows Arrangement 2010
the end of the world PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
Red Album Windows Arrangement 2008
the last hope PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2009
RE:ACTANCE PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2008
Preview #001 Windows Arrangement 2022
Touhou Shoukyokushuu -Yuigadokuson- Windows Arrangement 2005
Reflected Snow EP PC-98, Windows Arrangement 2010