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Top 100 Albums Published by WayForward

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Album Platform Type Year
Shantae and the Seven Sirens Original Video Game Soundtrack iOS, MacOS, PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One Soundtrack 2020
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero PS Vita, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Switch, Wii U, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2016
Shantae (GBC) GB Gamerip 2002
Shantae and the Seven Sirens Original Video Game Soundtrack (Looped) iOS, MacOS, PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One Soundtrack 2020
A Boy and His Blob Soundtrack Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, Switch, Wii, Windows, Xbox One Soundtrack 2010
Mighty Milky Way (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2011
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse 3DS, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Switch, Wii U, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2014
Mighty Flip Champs (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2009
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Backer Exclusive Soundtrack PS4, PSP, Switch, Wii U, Windows, Xbox One Soundtrack 2018
LIT OST Android, iOS, Wii Soundtrack 2008
Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DSiWare) DS Gamerip 2010
Mighty Switch Force! 3DS Gamerip 2011
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut PS4, Stadia, Switch, Wii U, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2014
Mighty Switch Force! 2 3DS Gamerip 2013
Rose & Camellia Collection Switch Gamerip 2023
The Smurfs 2 Xbox 360 Gamerip 2013
The Mummy Demastered Switch, Windows Gamerip 2017
Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouch Switch, Windows Gamerip 2016
Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition Wii U, Windows Gamerip 2012
Mighty Switch Force! Collection PS4, Switch, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2019
Mystik Belle Linux, MacOS, PS4, Switch, Windows, Xbox One Gamerip 2015
Spidersaurs Switch Gamerip 2022
Mighty Switch Force! Hose It Down! iOS, Windows Gamerip 2015
Shantae: Risky's Revenge Android, iOS, Mobile Gamerip 2011
Lunark MacOS, PS4, PS5, Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Gamerip 2023
Mighty Flip Champs DX PSP Gamerip 2011