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Top 12 Albums Published by VISUAL ARTS Co.



Little Busters! Original Soundtrack


Key+Lia Best 2001-2010

Little Busters! PERFECT Vocal Collection


Little Busters! Ecstasy Tracks

planetarian original soundtrack

KEY 10th MEMORIAL FES Anniversary CD


Ornithopter -AIR Original Compilation Album-

>> more top albums

Albums Published by VISUAL ARTS Co.

Found 102 albums!

Album Platform Type Year
AIR ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Dreamcast, PS Vita, PS2, PSP, Windows Soundtrack 2002
Albina ~Assorted Kudwaf Songs~ Windows Arrangement 2011
ASTER LORE/Aoki Konata/Natsu no Sunadokei Windows Soundtrack 2020
Ayaka Kitazawa Remix Collection Windows Arrangement 2018
Before I Rise / Jun Maeda × yanaginagi Android, iOS Single 2022
Bougainvillea / Jun Maeda × yanaginagi Android, iOS, Windows Single 2024
circle of fifth Anime Soundtrack 2012
CLANNAD arrange album "MABINOGI" (US) Windows Arrangement 2016
comment te dire adieu : BANDE ORIGINALE Soundtrack 2016
Deejay Busters! Windows Remix 2011
Dis-Love Song / Satsubatsu Kids Windows Arrangement 2018
Emotional Blue / Ayaka Kitazawa PS2, PSP, Switch, Windows Arrangement 2017
Harmonia Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2017
Heartily Song/Subete no Owari no Hajimari Windows Single 2015
HEAVEN BURNS RED Original Sound Track Vol.1 Android, iOS, Windows Soundtrack 2022
Humanity... / WORK-S Windows Arrangement 2002
I've 20th Anniversary E-VOX MacOS, Windows Compilation 2021
I've C-VOX 2000-2014 Windows Compilation 2018
I've GIRL's COMPILATION Vol. 10: ALIVE [Limited Edition] Compilation 2017
I'VE × key Collaboration Album Windows Arrangement 2016
IMAGE CRAFT Music Selection 2 - Precious Windows Soundtrack 2004
Kanon Windows Gamerip 1999
Kanon 16bit Arrangements Windows Arrangement 2024
Kanon Arrange Best Album "recollections" Windows Arrangement 2001
Kanon original arrange album "anemoscope" Windows Arrangement 1999
Kanon ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Windows Soundtrack 2002
Kanon ~ Last regrets The Place Where the Wind Arrives Windows Single 1999
Key + VOCALOID Best selection vol.1 Anime, Windows Arrangement 2012
KEY 10th MEMORIAL FES Anniversary CD Windows Arrangement 2009
Key BEST SELECTION 1999-2019 Windows Arrangement 2019
KEY Compilation Mini Album "Ma-Na" Windows Arrangement 2005
Key Concept Arrange Album: Summer Chronicle Windows Arrangement 2020
Key+Lia Best 2001-2010 Anime, Windows Compilation 2011
Key+Lia Birthday Song,Requiem Single 2002
Key+Lia Spica / Hanabi / Moon Single 2003
KeyCLASSIC Anime, Windows Arrangement 2012
KEYNOTE -Key Sounds Remix Album- / Soshi Hosoi Windows Remix 2012
KSL LIVE WORLD 2008 Pamphlet and Memorial Disc Windows Single 2008
KSL Live World 2008 ~Way to the Little Busters! EX~ Windows Arrangement 2008
KSL Live World 2010 way to the Kud-Wafter Pamphlet Music Windows Remix 2010
Kud Wafter Opening Theme 'one's future' Windows Single 2010
Kud Wafter Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2010
Last Desire / Maon Kurosaki Android, iOS Soundtrack 2017
Little Busters! / Kud Wafter Piano Arrange Album "ripresa" Windows Arrangement 2013
Little Busters! Character Song ~Rin~ "Rin no Hisoka na Koi no Uta / Mission:Love sniper" Windows Single 2007
Little Busters! Ecstasy Tracks Windows Soundtrack 2008
Little Busters! Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2007
Little Busters! PERFECT Vocal Collection Anime, Windows Arrangement 2014
Little Busters!-EX Arrange Album ontology Windows Arrangement 2008
Little Busters!-EX Character Song ~Saya~ "Saya no Nemureru Requiem / Saya's Song" Windows Single 2009
LOOPERS Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2021
Love Song from the Water / Jun Maeda × yanaginagi Android, iOS, Mobile Soundtrack 2022
Million Star / Girls Dead Monster Windows Single 2015
Modification of Key Sounds Label VOL.2 Windows Soundtrack 2019
Natukage / nostalgia Windows Single 2001
Ornithopter -AIR Original Compilation Album- Android, Dreamcast, iOS, Mobile, PS Vita, PS2, PSP, Switch, Windows Arrangement 2000
Orpheus ~Kimi to Kanaderu Ashita e no Uta~ Single 2012
OTSU:Blasterhead Windows Remix 2009
Owari no Hoshi no Love Song / Jun Maeda × yanaginagi Soundtrack 2012
Planetarian DRAMA CD BOX 1: a snow globe Windows Soundtrack 2007
planetarian DRAMA CD BOX 2: Jerusalem Windows Soundtrack 2007
planetarian DRAMA CD BOX 3: Hoshi no Hito Windows Soundtrack 2007
planetarian original soundtrack Android, iOS, Mobile, PS2, PSP, Switch, Windows Soundtrack 2006
planetarian Original SoundTrack Android, iOS, PS2, PSP, Windows Soundtrack 2016
Prima Doll Winter Sky Fireworks/Snowflake Patterns Original Soundtrack Soundtrack 2023
Prima Doll: Ceremony of the Unknown Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2024
Radio Rewrite: Gekkan Terra - Kazamatsuri Gakuin Shikyoku Soundtrack 2011
Radio Rewrite: Gekkan Terra - Kazamatsuri Gakuin Shikyoku Harvest festa! Special Edition Single 2012
Radio Rewrite: Gekkan Terra - Kazamatsuri Gakuin Shikyoku Rewrite+ Special Edition Single 2016
Re:Change ~Rewrite EDM Arrange Album~ Android, iOS, Mobile, Windows Arrangement 2017
Rewrite 10th memorial Arrange Album: Forestia Windows Arrangement 2021
Rewrite 2nd Opening Theme song "Rewrite" Windows Single 2011
Rewrite Arrangement Album: Branch Windows Arrangement 2011
Rewrite Harvest festa! Original SoundTrack "Feast" Windows Soundtrack 2012
Rewrite Opening Theme song "Philosophyz" Windows Single 2011
Rewrite ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Windows Soundtrack 2011
Rockstar Busters! Windows Arrangement 2007
Sheeran and, The empty Sea -TALENT 3- Compilation 2022
Shiawase ni Naru Ban Windows Single 2012
Shiniyuku Kisetsuno Kimie / Jun Maeda × yanaginagi Android, iOS, Windows Single 2023
SHORT CIRCUIT Windows Compilation 2003
Soil Windows Arrangement 2011
Stella of The End Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2022
Suisenka Windows Gamerip 2005
Summer Pockets Arrange Album ‘Summer Session’ Hito Natsu no Bōken Windows Arrangement 2018
Summer Pockets Character songs: Sing! Windows Soundtrack 2018
Summer Pockets Drama CD Collection Windows Soundtrack 2018
Summer Pockets Orchestra Album: Echoes of Summer Soundtrack 2019
Summer Pockets Original SoundTrack Windows Soundtrack 2018
Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE Arrange Album: Edain Windows Soundtrack 2020
Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE Opening Theme: ASTER LORE Windows Soundtrack 2020
TOMOHIRO TAKESHITA BEST WORKS "World Hitchhiker!" Windows Soundtrack 2015
TOMOHIRO TAKESHITA BEST WORKS.: World Hitchhiker! 2 Windows Soundtrack 2016
VA Compilation CD Vol.1 "Panorama" Windows Compilation 2009
VA Compilation CD Vol.2 "Panorama" Windows Compilation 2010
VA Compilation CD Vol.3 Panorama Anime, PS2, Windows Compilation 2011
VA Compilation CD Vol.4 Panorama Windows Compilation 2012
VA Compilation CD Vol.5 Panorama Windows Arrangement 2013
VA Compilation CD Vol.6 Panorama Windows Soundtrack 2015
Visual Art's 20th Anniversary CD Windows Arrangement 2012
Visual Art's 20th Anniversary Remixes Windows Remix 2012