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Top 100 Albums Published by The Adventure Company

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Album Platform Type Year
Agatha Christie: Death On the Nile MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2008
Broken Sword - The Sleeping Dragon PS2, Windows, Xbox Gamerip 2003
Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None Wii, Windows Gamerip 2005
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders DS Gamerip 2009
Agatha Christie: Dead Man's Folly iOS, Windows Gamerip 2009
A Vampyre Story Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2008
Dark Fall - The Journal Windows Gamerip 2002
The Black Mirror Windows Gamerip 2003
Dark Fall II - Lights Out Windows Gamerip 2004
Aura: Fate of the Ages Windows Gamerip 2004
The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2013
Still Life Windows Gamerip 2005
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express Windows Gamerip 2006
Jack The Ripper Windows Gamerip 2004
Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun Wii, Windows Gamerip 2007
Geheimakte & Geheimakte 2 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Android, DS, iOS, Wii, Wii U, Windows Soundtrack 2006
Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner Windows Gamerip 2003
Aura 2: The Sacred Rings Windows Gamerip 2007
Dead Reefs Windows Gamerip 2007
EXperience112 Windows Gamerip 2007
Curse of Atlantis: Thorgal's Quest Windows Gamerip 2002
The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse Windows Gamerip 2002
Crime Stories: From the Files of Martin Mystère Windows Gamerip 2004
Echo: Secrets of the Lost Cavern iOS, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2005
The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft Wii, Windows Gamerip 2008
Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Mummy Windows Gamerip 2002
Traitors Gate 2: Cypher Windows Gamerip 2003
Murder in the Abbey Windows Gamerip 2008
The Cameron Files: Secret at Loch Ness Windows Gamerip 2001
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express Windows Soundtrack 2023
Atlantis Evolution Windows Gamerip 2004
The Secrets of Atlantis: The Sacred Legacy Windows Gamerip 2006
Keepsake MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2006