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Top 12 Albums Published by Sierra On-Line

Half-Life - Blue Shift

Empire Earth


Prince of Persia

Gabriel Knight Soundtrack

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (SGMV2 MIDI)

3D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride (GBC)

Hunter Hunted

The Incredible Machine (SC-88)

The Adventures of Willy Beamish (IBM-PC Sound Blaster Pro2)

Space Quest 3 Original Soundtrack

The Incredible Toon Machine

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Albums Published by Sierra On-Line

Found 73 albums!

Album Platform Type Year
3D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night MacOS, Windows Gamerip 1996
3D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride (GBC) GB Gamerip 2000
A Computer Christmas (IBM PCjr) Gamerip 1986
Alien Legacy MS-DOS Gamerip 1994
Battle Bugs MS-DOS, PS1 Gamerip 1994, 1997
Betrayal in Antara Windows Gamerip 1997
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance MS-DOS, Windows Gamerip 1996
Castle of Dr. Brain MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Civil War Generals 2 Windows Gamerip 1997
Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars Windows Gamerip 1998
Donald Duck's Playground Amiga Gamerip 1986
Donald Duck's Playground Commodore 64 Gamerip 1984
Donald Duck's Playground (IBM PCjr) IBM PC Gamerip 1986
DYNAMIX: Betrayal at Krondor Unofficial Game Soundtrack (1993) MS-DOS Soundtrack 1993
Earthsiege 2 Windows Gamerip 1996
EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
Empire Earth Windows Gamerip 2001
Fire Hawk MS-DOS Gamerip 1990
Frogger Commodore 64 Gamerip 1983
Gabriel Knight Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 1998
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (SGMV2 MIDI) MacOS, MS-DOS, Windows Gamerip 1993
Half-Life - Blue Shift Linux, MacOS, Windows Gamerip 2001
Homeworld Windows Soundtrack 2000
Hunter Hunted Windows Gamerip 1996
King's Quest - Quest for the Crown (Apple IIgs) Gamerip 1987
King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne (Apple IIgs) Gamerip 1988
King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne (IBM PC PCjr Tandy 1000) Gamerip 1985
King's Quest III - To Heir is Human (Apple IIgs) Gamerip 1988
King's Quest III - To Heir is Human (IBM PCjr) Gamerip 1986
Metaltech Battledrome MS-DOS Gamerip 1994
Metaltech: Earthsiege MS-DOS Gamerip 1994
MissionForce: CyberStorm Windows Gamerip 1996
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (AGI) Atari ST, IBM PC, MS-DOS Gamerip 1987
Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe Bonus Soundtrack CD Windows Soundtrack 1995
Outpost 2 - Divided Destiny Windows Gamerip 1997
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh MS-DOS, Windows Gamerip 1996
Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death Angel Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS Gamerip 1987
Police Quest II: The Vengeance Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS Gamerip 1988
Police Quest III: The Kindred Amiga, MS-DOS, Windows Gamerip 1991
Police Quest IV: Open Season MS-DOS, Windows Gamerip 1993
Police Quest VGA: In Pursuit of the Death Angel MS-DOS, Windows Gamerip 1992
Police Quest: SWAT Windows Gamerip 1995
Police Quest: SWAT 2 Windows Gamerip 1998
Prince of Persia PC-98, PC-9821, X68000 Gamerip 1990
Quest for Glory 2 Trial by Fire (MT-32) MS-DOS Gamerip 1990
Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero (MT-32) MS-DOS Gamerip 1989
Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero VGA MS-DOS Gamerip 1992
Sierra Soundtrack Collection Windows Soundtrack 1992
Silent Thunder Windows Gamerip 1996
Silpheed (Apple IIgs) Gamerip 1989
Space Quest 3 MS-DOS Gamerip 1989
Space Quest 3 Original Soundtrack MS-DOS Soundtrack 1989
Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
Starsiege Windows Gamerip 1999
Starsiege: Tribes Windows Gamerip 1998
SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle Windows Gamerip 1999
The Adventures of Willy Beamish (IBM-PC Sound Blaster Pro2) IBM PC, IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1991
The Black Cauldron (Apple IIgs) Gamerip 1989
The Black Cauldron (IBM PCjr) Gamerip 1985
The Colonel’s Bequest Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS Soundtrack 1989
The Even More Incredible Machine (3DO Redbook) 3DO Gamerip 1994
The Even More Incredible Machine (Macintosh) MacOS Gamerip 1993
The Incredible Machine IBM PC/AT Gamerip 1993
The Incredible Machine (SC-88) MS-DOS Gamerip 1991
The Incredible Toon Machine MacOS, Windows Gamerip 1994
The Island of Dr. Brain MS-DOS Gamerip 1992
THE MUSIC OF INCA Windows Soundtrack 1992
The Rise & Rule of Ancient Empires Windows Gamerip 1996
Thexder (IBM PCjr, Tandy 1000) IBM PC Gamerip 1987
Torin's Passage MacOS, MS-DOS, Windows Gamerip 1995
Tribes 2 Linux, Windows Gamerip 2001
Zeliard (OPL) IBM PC, IBM PC/AT, MS-DOS Gamerip 1990
Zeliard (Tandy 1000) IBM PC Gamerip 1990