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Top 12 Albums Published by Liar-soft

Sekien no Inganock Preorder Bonus Original Soundtrack

Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a beautiful memories- ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK

Liar-soft Vocal Collection [SALUTE!]

Fairytale Requiem Sound Track CD

Hikari no Valusia ~What a beautiful hopes~ ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK

Souten no Celenaria Preorder Bonus Original Soundtrack

Liar-soft / raiL-soft Vocal Collection CD Prosit

Liar-soft Soundtrack VOL.1 Buruma

Ourai no Gahkthun ~What a shining braves~ Original Soundtrack


Angel Bullet - Original Soundtrack

Forest Fan Club Special Drama CD ~Forest Flying Circus~

Waku Waku Jintai Tankentai Born Freaks

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Albums Published by Liar-soft

Found 26 albums!

Album Platform Type Year
Angel Bullet - Original Soundtrack Windows 2004
EVER MAIDEN ~Daraku no Sono no Otometachi~ Original Sound Track Soundtrack 2022
Fairytale Requiem Sound Track CD Windows Soundtrack 2015
Forest Fan Club Special Drama CD ~Forest Flying Circus~ Windows 2004
Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning Windows Gamerip 2016
Gyouya Shinsengumi Fresh Windows Gamerip 2002
Hikari no Valusia ~What a beautiful hopes~ ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Windows Soundtrack 2009
Kusarihime ~euthanasia~ Game Disc Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2002
Liar-soft / raiL-soft Vocal Collection CD Prosit Windows Arrangement 2013
Liar-soft Soundtrack VOL.1 Buruma Windows Soundtrack 2002
Liar-soft Soundtrack VOL.2 Warabi Soundtrack 2003
Liar-soft Soundtrack VOL.3 Sippo Soundtrack 2003
Liar-soft Vocal Collection [SALUTE!] Windows Arrangement 2008
Okujou no Yurirei-san Drama / Soundtrack "Kyuusei Radio" Soundtrack 2015
Ourai no Gahkthun ~What a shining braves~ Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2012
Porthole of Sapphism Full Arrange Soundtrack ~Aigrette~ Soundtrack 2004
Sekien no Inganock Preorder Bonus Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2007
Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a beautiful memories- ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Windows Soundtrack 2010
Shiei no Sona-Nyl Refrain: What a Beautiful Memories PSP Gamerip 2014
Shikkoku no Sharnoth Windows Gamerip 2011
Shikkoku no Sharnoth Preorder Bonus Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2008
Shunkyoku no Tyrhhia ~What a beautiful dawn~ SOUND TRACK CD Soundtrack 2018
Souten no Celenaria Preorder Bonus Original Soundtrack Windows Soundtrack 2006
Teito Hiten Daisakusen Tokuten Digital Contents Soundtrack 2014
Waku Waku Jintai Tankentai Born Freaks Windows Soundtrack 2005