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Top 100 Albums Developed by Treasure

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Album Platform Type Year
Wario World GC Gamerip 2003
Dynamite Headdy Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Bleach - The Blade of Fate DS Gamerip 2006
Gunstar Heroes Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1993
Ikaruga Dreamcast Gamerip 2002
Sin and Punishment N64 Gamerip 2000
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1993
Bleach - Dark Souls DS Gamerip 2007
Alien Soldier Genesis / Mega Drive, Linux, MacOS, PS2, Switch, Wii, Windows Gamerip 1995
Alien Soldier Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1995
Astro Boy - Omega Factor GBA Gamerip 2003
Silhouette Mirage PS1, Saturn Gamerip 1997
Sin and Punishment - Successor of the Skies Wii, Wii U Gamerip 2009
GUNSTAR HEROES SOUND COLLECTION GBA, Genesis / Mega Drive Soundtrack 2005
Gunstar Super Heroes GBA Gamerip 2005
Advance Guardian Heroes GBA Gamerip 2004
Light Crusader Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1995
Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makyou Touitsusen Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1994
Dynamite Headdy Game Gear Gamerip 1994
Rakugaki Showtime PS1 Gamerip 1999
Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting GBA Gamerip 2002
Stretch Panic PS2 Gamerip 2001
Radiant Silvergun Saturn Gamerip 1998
Gunstar Super Heroes Remastered v1.1 GBA Gamerip 2005
Gunstar Heroes Game Gear Gamerip 1995
BANGAI-O SPIRITS Audio Collection Plus Dreamcast, DS, N64 Soundtrack 2008
Bangai-O Dreamcast Gamerip 2000
Guardian Heroes Saturn Gamerip 1996
Bakuretsu Muteki Bangai-O N64 Gamerip 1999
Radiant Silvergun (STV) Arcade Gamerip 1998
Bleach - Versus Crusade Wii Gamerip 2008
Tiny Toon Adventures - Scary Dreams GBA Gamerip 2002
Mischief Makers N64 Gamerip 1997
Silpheed - The Lost Planet PS2 Gamerip 2001
Dynamite Headdy Master System Gamerip 1995
Gaist Crusher 3DS Gamerip 2013
Donald no Magical World Game Gear Gamerip 1994
Gaist Crusher God 3DS Gamerip 2014
Gradius V PS2 Gamerip 2004
Bangai-O Spirits DS Gamerip 2008
Ikaruga GC Gamerip 2003
Dragon Drive: D-Masters Shot GC Gamerip 2003
Tiny Toon Adventures: Defenders of the Universe (Unreleased) PS2 Gamerip 2002
Ikaruga (Naomi) Arcade Gamerip 2001
Ikaruga Switch Gamerip 2018
Radiant Silvergun Switch Gamerip 2022