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Top 100 Albums Developed by SPS

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Album Platform Type Year
Nemesis '90 Kai X68000 Gamerip 1993
Salamander X68000 Gamerip 1988
Ajax X68000 Gamerip 1989
Thunder Blade X68000 Gamerip 1990
Nekketsu High School Dodgeball Club Soccer X68000 Gamerip 1990
Gradius X68000 Gamerip 1987
Full Throttle X68000 Gamerip 1988
Syvalion X68000 Gamerip 1990
King of the Monsters Genesis / Mega Drive Gamerip 1993
Barbarossa SNES Gamerip 1992
Mega-Lo-Mania SNES Gamerip 1993
TwinBee X68000 Gamerip 1988
Arkanoid: Revenge of DOH X68000 Gamerip 1988
Death Brade X68000 Gamerip 1992
The FairyLand Story X68000 Gamerip 1991
The Return of Ishtar Fujitsu FM77AV Gamerip 1989
U.S. Championship V'Ball X68000 Gamerip 1989
Chuka Taisen X68000 Gamerip 1991
The Return of Ishtar X68000 Gamerip 1988
The Return of Ishtar PC-88 Gamerip 1987
The Return of Ishtar PC-98 Gamerip 1988
Kitaihei Gold Dreamcast Gamerip 1999
DoDonPachi PS1 Gamerip 1998
Power Serve 3D Tennis PS1 Gamerip 1995