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Zoobles! Spring to Life!


Zoobles: Spring To Life!
Zoobles!: Spring To Life!

Platforms: DS
Year: 2011
Developed by: Now Production
Published by: Activision

Number of Files: 24
Total Filesize: 70 MB (MP3), 205 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jun 26th, 2020   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Unused Title Screen Theme-Trailer Theme 1:16 2.14 MB 6.67 MB get_app
2. Menu 4:40 7.95 MB 19.87 MB get_app
3. Ending (Unused) 2:36 4.80 MB 15.41 MB get_app
4. Petagonia 2:49 5.29 MB 15.81 MB get_app
5. Chillville, Credits 2:56 5.45 MB 14.95 MB get_app
6. Azoozia 2:21 4.39 MB 14.19 MB get_app
7. Petalpoint 2:41 5.16 MB 16.35 MB get_app
8. Pinegrove-Title Screen 2:18 4.45 MB 13.05 MB get_app
9. Jungleopolis 2:25 4.76 MB 13.03 MB get_app
10. Happitat 2:13 3.78 MB 8.45 MB get_app
11. Activity 2:11 4.29 MB 11.64 MB get_app
12. Sq BGM Event Fast (Unused) 2:08 3.93 MB 11.23 MB get_app
13. Party Theme 1 1:24 2.70 MB 9.16 MB get_app
14. Party Theme 2 1:27 2.85 MB 9.07 MB get_app
15. Party Theme 3 1:24 2.50 MB 7.99 MB get_app
16. Present 0:08 0.21 MB 0.69 MB get_app
17. Awake 0:03 0.09 MB 0.22 MB get_app
18. Sleep 0:05 0.13 MB 0.35 MB get_app
19. Congratulations! 0:08 0.21 MB 0.75 MB get_app
20. Accessory 0:07 0.22 MB 0.84 MB get_app
21. Perfect 0:02 0.05 MB 0.17 MB get_app
22. World Completed! 0:07 0.20 MB 0.79 MB get_app
23. Next Accessory 0:05 0.12 MB 0.25 MB get_app
24. Happitat (Alternate, Unused) 2:20 4.55 MB 14.02 MB get_app


Zoobles! Spring to Life! is a simulation role-playing game with a few puzzle elements. The player starts by choosing the region they must play first. There are 6 regions to choose, though the other 5 regions must be unlocked by completing the first region, Petagonia. After choosing said region, the player must choose one of the three zoobles to take control of and after choosing said Zooble, the game begins.

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+ Comment


08:11 May 28th, 2023Offline

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@TCDoraemon I just realized you're the user who uploaded the complete soundtrack of this on Youtube when I was trying to find a longplay of this game.

Going to list down the title of the tracks here from your video's description:
[*]Unused Title Screen Theme/Trailer Theme - Sq BGM Title
[*]Menu - Sq BGM Menu
[*]Ending - Sq BGM Ending (Meant to play for the optional credits, but in-game plays Chillville as the credits theme, meaning this theme goes unused)
[*]Petagonia - Sq BGM Stg Petag
[*]Chillville - Sq BGM Stg Chill
[*]Azoozia - Sq BGM Stg Azoo
[*]Petalpoint - Sq BGM Stg Ppoint
[*]Pinegrove/Title Screen - Sq BGM Stg Pineg
[*]Jungleopolis - Sq BGM Stg Jungle
[*]Happitat - Sq BGM Evnt Slow
[*]Activity - Sq BGM Event Mid
[*]Unknown Track 1 - Sq BGM Event Fast (Maybe a Minigame theme? Theme is not used in-game)
[*]Party Theme 1 - Sq BGM Dance 01
[*]Party Theme 2 - Sq BGM Dance 02
[*]Party Theme 3 - Sq BGM Dance 03
[*]Present - Sq Jng Present
[*]Awake - Sq Jng Awake
[*]Sleep - Sq Jng Sleep
[*]Congratulations! - Sq Jng Unlock
[*]Accessory - Sq Jng Unlock Itm
[*]Perfect - Sq Jng Perfect
[*]World Completed! - Sq Jng Full
[*]Next Accessory - Sq Jng Next
[*]Unknown Track 2 - Sq BGM Evnt Slow New (What seems to be an unused alternate version of the Happitat theme as it shares the same motifs as that theme)

I feel that the "Unused Happitat Theme" might have been more than just an unused theme.
You see, I was having fun changing soundfonts around with other songs in the game.
I decided to use the soundfont for that song with the Happitat theme used in game, and it sounded pretty similar, if not the same to what I would get if I also used the Petagonia soundfont for it.
So, I would assume that originally, each world that you would play with your Zooble in would have had their own corresponding Happitat music, with the unused Happitat theme going with Petagonia in how they share many samples with eachother, but if so, they probably had to cut down on that due to size limitations.

Semi-edit (I also found this out right before posting my comment):
If you play the Petagonia theme with the Unused Happitat theme's soundfont, you will get an entirely accurate version of Petagonia, meaning both songs have the same soundfont.


03:33 Dec 17th, 2022Offline

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Hi! Yes, that was me. I used to grow up playing this and I am probably one of the only few remaining fans of Zoobles! anymore...
Going off your questions:
Ending - There *is* a credits option in the menu, however using that plays the Chillville theme. I am not sure whether or not the Ending theme also goes unused and is replaced by the Chillville theme in the credits.
Unknown Track 1 - Supposedly. I have no guesses.
Unknown Track 2 - I also do think that as well.
Nice seeing someone who also knows or at least remembers growing up with this game and Zoobles as well!

I've never collected the toys, but I remember getting a McDonalds Kids Meal toy that is a Zoobles toy back then.
I'm going to have to update the list as those themes are actually unused.


05:19 Dec 16th, 2022Offline

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@TCDoraemon I just realized you're the user who uploaded the complete soundtrack of this on Youtube when I was trying to find a longplay of this game.

Going to list down the title of the tracks here from your video's description:
[*]Unused Title Screen Theme/Trailer Theme - Sq BGM Title
[*]Menu - Sq BGM Menu
[*]Ending(?) - Sq BGM Ending (If this is the ending's theme, did this game had an option to view the credits and this theme would play?)
[*]Petagonia - Sq BGM Stg Petag
[*]Chillville - Sq BGM Stg Chill
[*]Azoozia - Sq BGM Stg Azoo
[*]Petalpoint - Sq BGM Stg Ppoint
[*]Pinegrove/Title Screen - Sq BGM Stg Pineg
[*]Jungleopolis - Sq BGM Stg Jungle
[*]Happitat - Sq BGM Evnt Slow
[*]Activity - Sq BGM Event Mid
[*]Unknown Track 1 - Sq BGM Event Fast (Maybe a Minigame theme?)
[*]Party Theme 1 - Sq BGM Dance 01
[*]Party Theme 2 - Sq BGM Dance 02
[*]Party Theme 3 - Sq BGM Dance 03
[*]Present - Sq Jng Present
[*]Awake - Sq Jng Awake
[*]Sleep - Sq Jng Sleep
[*]Congratulations! - Sq Jng Unlock
[*]Accessory - Sq Jng Unlock Itm
[*]Perfect - Sq Jng Perfect
[*]World Completed! - Sq Jng Full
[*]Next Accessory - Sq Jng Next
[*]Unknown Track 2 - Sq BGM Evnt Slow New (An unused alternate version of the Happitat theme?)

Hi! Yes, that was me. I used to grow up playing this and I am probably one of the only few remaining fans of Zoobles! anymore...
Going off your questions:
Ending - There *is* a credits option in the menu, however using that plays the Chillville theme. I am not sure whether or not the Ending theme also goes unused and is replaced by the Chillville theme in the credits.
Unknown Track 1 - Supposedly. I have no guesses.
Unknown Track 2 - I also do think that as well.
Nice seeing someone who also knows or at least remembers growing up with this game and Zoobles as well!


02:24 Apr 25th, 2022Offline

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@TCDoraemon I just realized you're the user who uploaded the complete soundtrack of this on Youtube when I was trying to find a longplay of this game.

Going to list down the title of the tracks here from your video's description:
[*]Unused Title Screen Theme/Trailer Theme - Sq BGM Title
[*]Menu - Sq BGM Menu
[*]Ending - Sq BGM Ending (Meant to play for the optional credits, but in-game plays Chillville as the credits theme, meaning this theme goes unused)
[*]Petagonia - Sq BGM Stg Petag
[*]Chillville - Sq BGM Stg Chill
[*]Azoozia - Sq BGM Stg Azoo
[*]Petalpoint - Sq BGM Stg Ppoint
[*]Pinegrove/Title Screen - Sq BGM Stg Pineg
[*]Jungleopolis - Sq BGM Stg Jungle
[*]Happitat - Sq BGM Evnt Slow
[*]Activity - Sq BGM Event Mid
[*]Unknown Track 1 - Sq BGM Event Fast (Maybe a Minigame theme? Theme is not used in-game)
[*]Party Theme 1 - Sq BGM Dance 01
[*]Party Theme 2 - Sq BGM Dance 02
[*]Party Theme 3 - Sq BGM Dance 03
[*]Present - Sq Jng Present
[*]Awake - Sq Jng Awake
[*]Sleep - Sq Jng Sleep
[*]Congratulations! - Sq Jng Unlock
[*]Accessory - Sq Jng Unlock Itm
[*]Perfect - Sq Jng Perfect
[*]World Completed! - Sq Jng Full
[*]Next Accessory - Sq Jng Next
[*]Unknown Track 2 - Sq BGM Evnt Slow New (What seems to be an unused alternate version of the Happitat theme as it shares the same motifs as that theme)


10:40 Dec 14th, 2021Offline

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This game was my childhood!
After years I can finally remember my memories of listening to the OST of this forgotten DS game...