Platforms: Arcade
Year: 1989
Developed by: Irem
Published by: Irem
Number of Files: 17
Total Filesize: 25 MB (MP3), 67 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jun 29th, 2022
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Album type: Gamerip
The game itself is a side-scroller like R-Type, albeit with a short vertical-scrolling area towards the end of the sixth level. Instead of the Force pod, however, the main power-up apparatus takes the form of two flexible tentacles. The tentacles are invulnerable to all enemy attacks, and can be positioned with careful maneuvering of the X-002. Konami's Xexex is based on a fusion of this weaponry with the Force system of R-Type.
06:18 Jun 29th, 2022Online