Platforms: Game Gear Year: 1995 Number of Files: 22 Total Filesize: 187 MB (MP3), 492 MB (FLAC) Date Added: Jul 23rd, 2020 Album type: Gamerip
X-Men (Game Gear) (gamerip) (1994)
X-Men: Mojo World (Game Gear, Master System) (gamerip) (1996)
X-Men (Arcade) (gamerip) (1992)
X-Men (Genesis) (gamerip) (1993)
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (SNES) (gamerip) (1995)
X-Men - Mutant Academy (PS1) (gamerip) (2000)
X-Men 2: Clone Wars (Genesis) (gamerip) (1995)
X-Men - Mind Games (Beta) (Genesis) (gamerip) (1995)
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Saturn) (gamerip) (1995)
X-Men: Destiny (DS) (gamerip) (2011)
X-Men: Mutant Wars (GBC) (GB) (gamerip) (2000)
X-MEN (1995)
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