This album was edited on Jul 21st, 2024
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Alternative Titles: | Alternative Titles: Epica Stella エピカ・ステラ |
Year: | Year: 1998 |
Album Type: | Album Type: Gamerip |
Description: | Description: Vanguard Bandits is an RPG strategy game played on an isometric grid of squares with representations of all the player and computer controlled ATACs, similar to Final Fantasy Tactics and the Front Mission series by Square. Each character can move around on the grid, attack, and perform support abilities. All actions during that ATACs turn takes up AP (Actions Points), and attacks produce FP (Fatigue Points). If the Fatigue Points reach maximum, the pilot becomes unable to perform any actions until he/she awakens, leaving him/her open to attack. When an ATAC unit attacks or defends from an attack, a detailed three-dimensional battle animation with music is shown over the normal grid. Between each battle is a story cutscene where the characters within the ATACs are represented on a similar grid and can interact and further the story line. |
Developers: | Developers: Human Entertainment S-Neo |
Publishers: | Publishers: Human Entertainment Working Designs |