Platforms: Arcade
Year: 1986
Developed by: NMK
Published by: Jaleco
Number of Files: 24
Total Filesize: 28 MB (MP3), 61 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Nov 25th, 2022
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: NotToBugMe
The player controls a hovering land vehicle in eight directions, and is able to shoot in the direction the vehicle faces. Obstacles block the path of the vehicle, and progress through an area is made by the player moving the vehicle upwards, scrolling the screen downwards. Bombs can be dropped directly above the vehicle, similar to Xevious. The player can pick up power-ups that enhance weapons, as well as attach 'options' to the vehicle, drones similar to those of Gradius. The 'options' fire in a direction depending on where they are attached to the main vehicle. The player can avoid danger by jumping.