Yousei Daisensou ~ Touhou Sangetsusei
Double Spoiler ~ Touhou Bunkachou
Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object.
Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Touhou Hisouten ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism.
Platforms: Windows
Year: 2011
Catalog Number: IK-17
Published by: Innocent Key
Number of Files: 15
Total Filesize: 132 MB (MP3), 494 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Dec 17th, 2024
Album type: Arrangement
Uploaded by: ViviVGM
Produced by yohine
Designed by Ryou Hiiragi [I.S.W DESIGNING]
Illustrated by eretto [Utsura Uraraka]
Track credits:
01. Yousei Daisensou / Year-Round Absorbed Curiosity
Yousei Daisensou / Staking Your Life On a Prank
Yousei Daisensou / Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
Yousei Daisensou / Magus Night
arrange: yohine / lyrics: Koko, Yuma Mizonokuchi / vocal: Koko, Nimo, ShavaDava [Sound CYCLONE], Yamadan, Ai Ohsera
02. Double Spoiler / The Mystery in Your Town
arrange: Yuma Mizonokuchi / lyrics: Ai Ohsera / vocal: Meramipop
03. Touhou Seirensen / The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl
arrange: ARM [IOSYS] / lyrics: Yuma Mizonokuchi / vocal: Natsu Iwasugi, Nigaihito
04. Touhou Youyoumu / The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky
arrange: yohine / lyrics: Yuma Mizonokuchi / vocal: Koko
05. Touhou Kaeidzuka / Touhou Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years
arrange: Yuma Mizonokuchi / lyrics: Ai Ohsera / vocal: Koko, Ai Ohsera
06. Touhou Youyoumu / Diao ye zong (withered leaf)
Touhou Chireiden / Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer!
arrange: Yuma Mizonokuchi / lyrics: Ai Ohsera / vocal: Koko, Ai Ohsera
07. Touhou Hisouten / Flawless Clothing of the Celestials
arrange: Comp [Buta-Otome] / lyrics: Yuma Mizonokuchi / vocal: Ranko [Buta-Otome] / piano: Paprika [Buta-Otome]
08. Touhou Fuujinroku / Native Faith
arrange: Yuma Mizonokuchi / lyrics: Yuma Mizonokuchi / vocal: Rayna
09. Touhou Koumakyou / Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea
arrange: Yuma Mizonokuchi / lyrics: Yuma Mizonokuchi / vocal: Koko, Nimo / voice: Kino, Mizuki Kuroda, Party.
10. Touhou Fuujinroku / Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me
Touhou Fuujinroku / A God That Loves People ~ Romantic Fall
arrange: Tainokobone [Azure & Sands] / lyrics: Tainokobone / vocal: Koko, Ai Ohsera / voice: Tainokobone, Yuma Mizonokuchi
11. Touhou Chireiden / Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
Touhou Koumakyou / Beloved Tomboyish Girl
arrange: yohine / lyrics: Yuma Mizonokuchi / vocal: Koko, Nimo
12. Yousei Daisensou / Year-Round Absorbed Curiosity
Yousei Daisensou / Staking Your Life On a Prank
Yousei Daisensou / Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
Yousei Daisensou / Magus Night
arrange: yohine
13. Touhou Koumakyou / Septette for the Dead Princess
arrange: Yuma Mizonokuchi
14. Touhou Seirensen / A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander
Touhou Seirensen / At the End of the Spring
arrange: yohine
15. Touhou Chireiden / Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
Touhou Koumakyou / Beloved Tomboyish Girl
arrange: yohine