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Toho Soyu Shinpi


Touhou Souyuu Shinpi
Touhou Such a Mystery
Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Touhou Gumon Shiki ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense.
Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.

Platforms: Windows
Year: 2008
Catalog Number: IO-0146
Published by: IOSYS

Number of Files: 10
Total Filesize: 83 MB (MP3), 310 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Dec 4th, 2024
Album type: Arrangement
Uploaded by: ViviVGM

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. タイヨウノハナ 3:11 6.33 MB 22.67 MB get_app
2. 記憶の系譜 ~ until the End of History 6:16 12.08 MB 41.73 MB get_app
3. 陽だまり猫だまり 4:41 9.31 MB 32.98 MB get_app
4. 千歳の夢を遠く過ぎても 5:39 10.33 MB 35.43 MB get_app
5. Miracle∞Hinacle 3:24 6.52 MB 23.73 MB get_app
6. きゅうり味のビールを飲めばいいよ! - ばらしてオッケー! 万事解決テクノロジー - 3:25 6.48 MB 26.44 MB get_app
7. お賽銭ちょうだい - Nonstop NEW RICH shrine mix - 3:26 5.73 MB 27.91 MB get_app
8. お嫁にしなさいっ! - OTAKU-ELITE dies sweet mix - 5:21 10.15 MB 40.75 MB get_app
9. 株式会社ボーダー商事・社歌 - 仁と侠を操る程度の能力 - 4:23 8.84 MB 28.31 MB get_app
10. ひれ伏せ愚民どもっ! - 姫様ご乱心オールナイト蓬莱ライブ - 4:01 7.27 MB 30.14 MB get_app


A Comic Market 74 release

Event Price: 1000 yen
Shop Price: 1050 yen

Original Composition
ZUN: 01~10

ARM: 02, 08, 10
yohine: 03, 07
D.watt: 04, 09
void: 05, 06

Vocal Arrangement
D.watt: 01

Sound Arrangement
ARM: 01

Loser Kashiwagi: 06
Yuma Mizonokuchi: 07
D.watt: 08
ARM: 09, 10

3L: 01, 05
miko: 02, 07, 10
Tsukina Miyazu: 03
Asana: 04
Chihiro Kannami: 06
miko, Yuka, Mari [まり]: 08
miko, Ayu, 咲希: 09

Yoshimi Youno: 01, 02, 05, 06, 08, 10
Hikura: 03
Lettuce Shichijou: 04, 09

Jonathan Lee: 02
安田陽子: 08
Shyuichi Tatsunami: 09
quim, ARM: 10

Producer: Yoshimi Youno
Arrange: ARM, D.watt, void, yohine, Loser Kashiwagi (Denkai Laboratory), Yuma Mizonokuchi (Innocent Key)
Lyrics: Yoshimi Youno, Hikura, Lettuce Shichijou, GIGYO
Vocal: 3L, miko, Asana, Tsukina Miyazu, Ayu, Yuka, Mari [まり], 咲希, Chihiro Kannami
Voice: Shyuichi Tatsunami, Jonathan Lee, 安田陽子, quim, ARM
Mastering: yohine
Illustration: 樹人 (虚空臨界点)
Package Design: Ken Miyato

Individual track credits

01. Flower of the Sun
vocal arrangement: D.watt
sound arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: 3L
original title: Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.

02. Geneology of Memories ~ until the End of History
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko
voice: Jonathan Lee
original title: Japanese Saga
source: Touhou Gumon Shiki ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
original title: Child of Are
source: Touhou Gumon Shiki ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense

03. Sunshine, Catshine
arrangement: yohine
lyrics: Hikura
vocals: Tsukina Miyazu
original title: The Fantastic Tales from Tono
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original title: Diao Ye Zong (withered leaf)
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.

04. Far Beyond a Thousand-Year Dream
arrangement: D.watt
lyrics: Lettuce Shichijou
vocals: Asana
original title: Plain Asia
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.

05. Miracle∞Hinacle
arrangement: void
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: 3L
original title: The Road of the Misfortune God ~ Dark Road
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original title: Dark Side of Fate
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.

06. Wouldn't Cucumber-Flavored Beer Be Nice to Drink! - It's OK To Dissect! This Technology Solves Every Problem -
remix: Loser Kashiwagi
arrangement: void
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: Chihiro Kannami
original title: The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
source: Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith.
original title: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend

07. Donations♥Please - Nonstop NEW RICH shrine mix -
remix: Yuma Mizonokuchi
arrangement: yohine
lyrics: GIGYO
vocals: miko
original title: Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original title: Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original arrangement: Donations, Please
original release: Touhou Kasokusouchi

08. Make Us Your Brides! - OTAKU-ELITE dies sweet mix -
remix: D.watt
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko, Yuka, Mari [まり]
voice: 安田陽子
original title: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original title: Love-Colored Master Spark
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original title: Oriental Dark Flight
source: Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
original arrangement: Make Us Your Brides!
original release: Touhou Suisuisusu

09. Public Holdings Firm Border Inc. Company Song - Special Power to Manipulate Virtue and Decadence -
remix: ARM
arrangement: D.watt
lyrics: Lettuce Shichijou
vocals: miko, Ayu, 咲希
voice: Shyuichi Tatsunami
original title: Necrofantasia
source: Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
original arrangement: Public Holdings Firm Border Inc. - Company Song
original release: Touhou Suisuisusu

10. Bow Down, You Ignorant Fools! - The Princess' Insane All Night Hourai Live -
remix: ARM
arrangement: ARM
lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
vocals: miko
voice: quim, ARM
original title: Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
source: Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
original arrangement: Bow Down, You Ignorant Fools!
original release: Illusionary Mega★Lover

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