I guess SEGA will never come to this site again... it really is over... not just that, but my favorite sonic soundtracks too... I wish it would come back... WHY DOES WAVE MASTER HAVE TO BE A BIG MEANIE ABOUT THIS?! IS WAVE MASTER BECOMING TO BE LIKE YOU-KNOW-WHAT?!
Maybe or Maybe not come back , but I agree also yeah more like a mean tyrant.
I guess SEGA will never come to this site again... it really is over... not just that, but my favorite sonic soundtracks too... I wish it would come back... WHY DOES WAVE MASTER HAVE TO BE A BIG MEANIE ABOUT THIS?! IS WAVE MASTER BECOMING TO BE LIKE YOU-KNOW-WHAT?!
Yeah... plus, how will I be able to download NiGHTS music now? Its over... Now I won't be able to hear those soundtracks ever again... plus, my youtube doesn't work anymore...
01:20 Apr 25th, 2023Online