Super Contra: The Alien Strikes Back
Probotector II: Return of the Evil Forces
スーパー魂斗羅 エイリアンの逆襲
Platforms: Arcade
Year: 1988
Developed by: Konami
Published by: Konami
Number of Files: 16
Total Filesize: 22 MB
Date Added: Jan 3rd, 2015
Album type: Gamerip
Like in the original Contra, the game can be played by up to two players simultaneously. The left player controls Bill (who wears green in this installment), while the right player controls Lance (who wears purple). The game retains the side-scrolling format from the previous game, discarding only the pseudo-3D and fixed screen segments. Instead, Super Contra features vertically-scrolling stages played from an overhead perspective, in which the player can move in eight directions. The controls remain mostly the same during the side-scrolling segments, with the only difference is that the player can now control the height of their jump by holding the joystick upwards or downwards while pressing the jump button.
01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline