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Spyro the Dragon


Platforms: PS1
Year: 1998
Developed by: Insomniac Games
Published by: SCE, Universal Interactive Studios

Number of Files: 58
Total Filesize: 326 MB (MP3), 902 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Dec 30th, 2021   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Title Screen 3:33 6.79 MB 13.16 MB get_app
2. Artisans 1:54 3.49 MB 6.87 MB get_app
3. Stone Hill 2:10 3.85 MB 7.56 MB get_app
4. Dark Hollow 4:09 7.49 MB 15.55 MB get_app
5. Town Square 3:56 3.94 MB 11.26 MB get_app
6. Sunny Flight 2:33 3.97 MB 13.56 MB get_app
7. Toasty, Gnorc Gnexus 4:16 7.02 MB 21.27 MB get_app
8. Peace Keepers 3:15 5.60 MB 12.20 MB get_app
9. Dry Canyon 2:25 4.01 MB 12.42 MB get_app
10. Cliff Town 3:59 7.17 MB 15.35 MB get_app
11. Ice Cavern 3:08 5.47 MB 11.86 MB get_app
12. Night Flight 3:04 5.61 MB 12.12 MB get_app
13. Dr. Shemp 2:45 5.02 MB 10.82 MB get_app
14. Magic Crafters 4:11 7.82 MB 15.93 MB get_app
15. Alpine Ridge 3:36 6.54 MB 13.16 MB get_app
16. High Caves (NTSC Version) 3:24 5.61 MB 16.48 MB get_app
17. High Caves (PAL Version) 3:54 6.29 MB 20.29 MB get_app
18. Wizard Peak 2:53 5.28 MB 11.15 MB get_app
19. Crystal Flight 3:17 5.40 MB 18.29 MB get_app
20. Blowhard 3:13 5.35 MB 18.05 MB get_app
21. Beast Makers 3:12 5.35 MB 17.66 MB get_app
22. Terrace Village 2:35 4.12 MB 11.78 MB get_app
23. Misty Bog 3:34 5.71 MB 19.40 MB get_app
24. Tree Tops 4:04 7.67 MB 16.21 MB get_app
25. Wild Flight 2:08 3.40 MB 12.31 MB get_app
26. Metalhead 3:45 6.29 MB 19.79 MB get_app
27. Dream Weavers 4:37 8.53 MB 17.67 MB get_app
28. Dark Passage 3:05 5.75 MB 11.85 MB get_app
29. Lofty Castle 3:12 5.21 MB 18.16 MB get_app
30. Haunted Towers 2:29 4.02 MB 14.03 MB get_app
31. Icy Flight 2:56 4.92 MB 16.57 MB get_app
32. Jacques 4:01 7.69 MB 22.55 MB get_app
33. Gnorc Cove 2:31 4.22 MB 14.19 MB get_app
34. Twilight Harbor 3:48 6.41 MB 20.42 MB get_app
35. Gnasty Gnorc 3:53 6.27 MB 22.29 MB get_app
36. Gnasty's Loot 3:25 6.31 MB 13.67 MB get_app
37. Credits 4:08 7.48 MB 15.38 MB get_app
38. Bonus Track 1 2:31 4.23 MB 12.11 MB get_app
39. Bonus Track 2 3:28 6.08 MB 19.13 MB get_app
40. Alpine Ridge (Alternative) 3:33 5.47 MB 20.14 MB get_app
41. High Caves (PAL Version) (Alternative) 3:14 5.15 MB 16.19 MB get_app
42. Wizard Peak (Alternative) 3:43 6.76 MB 14.27 MB get_app
43. Blowhard (Alternative) 3:27 5.65 MB 20.08 MB get_app
44. Beast Makers (Alternative) 3:13 5.48 MB 18.41 MB get_app
45. Tree Tops (Alternative) 3:24 5.61 MB 16.48 MB get_app
46. Metalhead (Alternative) 2:41 4.45 MB 14.26 MB get_app
47. Icy Flight (Alternative) 3:02 5.20 MB 14.89 MB get_app
48. Jacques (In-game Version) 3:59 6.52 MB 20.73 MB get_app
49. Jacques (Alternative) 3:11 5.31 MB 17.06 MB get_app
50. Title Screen (Early Stereo Mix) 3:32 5.64 MB 19.22 MB get_app
51. Artisans (Early Stereo Mix) 1:53 3.25 MB 8.23 MB get_app
52. Stone Hill (Early Stereo Mix) 2:05 3.67 MB 8.39 MB get_app
53. Dark Hollow (Early Stereo Mix) 4:09 6.97 MB 18.81 MB get_app
54. Peace Keepers (Early Stereo Mix) 2:52 4.19 MB 12.50 MB get_app
55. Ice Cavern (Early Stereo Mix) 3:08 5.09 MB 13.32 MB get_app
56. Magic Crafters (Early Stereo Mix) 4:11 7.32 MB 19.98 MB get_app
57. Alpine Ridge (Early Stereo Mix) 3:37 5.76 MB 17.48 MB get_app
58. Credits (Early Stereo Mix) 4:08 6.96 MB 18.73 MB get_app

People who viewed this also viewed

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! (PS1) (gamerip) (1999)

Spyro: Year of the Dragon (PS1) (gamerip) (2000)

Spyro the Dragon Original Soundtrack (PS1) (1998)

Spyro the Dragon - Classic Music Collection (PS1)

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Vol.1 - Spyro the Dragon (Windows, Switch, PS4, Xbox One) (2018)

Spyro the Dragon - Original Trilogy (PS1) (1998)

Spyro - Enter The Dragonfly (PS2, GC) (2002)

Spyro Reignited Trilogy (full gamerip) (Windows, Switch, PS4, Xbox One) (gamerip) (2019)

Crash Bandicoot - PS1 Soundtrack Collection (PS1) (gamerip) (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000)

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Vol.3 - Year of the Dragon (Windows, Switch, PS4, Xbox One) (2018)

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Vol.2 - Ripto's Rage! (Windows, Switch, PS4, Xbox One) (2018)

Spyro 2 - Gateway to Glimmer (PSX, PAL) (PS1) (gamerip) (1999)


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01:19 Jun 6th, 2024Offline

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I'm not really sure why it happens, but for some soundtracks on this site, the audio playback skips a lot if you download the MP3 files, but sounds perfectly fine when listening on the site. This issue applies to all three "Complete Soundtrack" uploads of the PS1 Spyro trilogy.

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I love this entire soundtrack. I listen to it all the time as I write. Really sets the mood for me.

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Boom Boom

01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Now i wan't this game for ps2/ps3

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Very interesting use of samples and arrangements. One of the best video games soundtrack ever.

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I absolutely adore this soundtrack. The magi sty and utter brilliance of this soundtrack is just...perfect. Combine that with nostalgia and you have one of the best soundtracks ever in video games. Also, to add to the thread going on here, I can confirm that file 2-13 is indeed NOT actually missing. I believe track 2-13 WOULD have been Gnorc Gnexus, however that track is identical to the Toasty track so it was just not included. Also I would give this album a perfect score had it not been missing a few of the alternate tracks, mainly the alternate boss tracks. Minor gripe though.

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Hello, love the soundtrack, but where is track 02-13?

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Thank you so much for posting this. It is nearly impossible to find the soundtrack and in good quality. Ahh the nostalgia.

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I personally liked all 4 of Stewart Copleands spyro soundtracks and I also liked the spyro a Heros tail soundtrack, that one is not from copeland but it's still good.

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Where's 2-13? That song file seems to be missing.

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I can exactly remember myself playing this games with these song tracks playing along.. Imaging every single situation and straggle I had faced. Innocent days which I miss the most..

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This was one of the first three PSI games I ever played as a kid. It ranks up with Ape Escape and Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko as one of my all time favorite games ever. The soundtrack is awesome and brings back so many nostalgic memories for me. 10/10!

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I LOVE THIS!!! Such an amazing game, really great soundtrack. I love these songs, the gameplay along with hem, and the memories with THEM. Seriously amazing. I just want one thing: for the guy who uploaded these here to comeback and upload ones for Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage, and Spyro: Year of the Dragon. I can't seem to find quality copies of either, let alone ones with an album cover. GREAT ALBUM, gotta hand it to you. Thanks!

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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nice find finally all music =)

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Such nostalgia!b This brings back wonderful memories of my childhood! You've really made my day! Thank you. Thank you so much!! ????

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Broken files have been fixed!

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Memories playing this game on the PSOne... Use to play it alot, and now I play it on the ePSXe (interesting playing games that weren't originally for the PC on the PC).

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Im can't complete speak in english languag (im from poland),
but I LOVE ALL SPYRO SERIES, I have ePSXe in my laptop and ORIGINAL console PSOne.
I got Spyro 2 & 3 in console, just Spyro 1 in ePSXe :>

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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All the songs are good, except any songs that have any special characters in the title, such as the apostrophe or exclamation point. The files with said special characters aren't even real MP3 files anyways, they are only one Kb in size, so repairing them are probably not an option.

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This is great! I've been looking fore these tracks everywhere! Ther are just 2 problems,
1.) Some tracks don't work
2.) There is one song missing, and its the main track I've been searching for. The song that is missing I guess would be the alternate theme to the opening song. The same theme that is playing when you get to the very last world where you have to finish each portal to get to Gnasty Gnorc...

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Guest Reviewer

01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I own this videogame (although the case is cracked and the disk is showing signs of wear) and it is my most prized possession. The music brings back loads of heartfelt memories. Stewart Copeland did a fantastic job on this work, and I really hope he knows how much this music means to us 90's kids.

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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"Peace Keepers Alternate Theme" doesn't work and hasn't been for a while. Other than that, fantastic soundtrack. I remember one night I stayed up really late and I came pretty close to beating the game. Great memories! I give it 9/10. 10/10 if that song (and any other broken songs) get fixed.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Spyro the dragon was the first/ best game I have. Make a GREATEST HITS Spyro the dragon album, like the game I have.

I'm listening to the classic Spyro music while writing/ typing this.

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Great music; downloading them brings me back the memories of playing the Spyro game, there is a problem on downloading Artisan's Home though.

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Best video game music in Spyro series!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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they remeber me my fave band "spyro gyra"!!! the musics are pretty identicals haha i love the game and the songs even more *.*

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Soundtrack to my childhood. Thanks for this. :)

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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10/10. As I listen to it right now, I can't get enough of Stewart's beats. They are funky and passionate, and the drums in the background give me chills. Growing up with this game was one of the best things about my childhood. I even have this bonus CD from 1998 where the game was first introduced, which included the a Stewart Copeland interview which he explained his job and showed you step by step how he put his work together, the old grumpy electronic sheep comercials, and a mini guide on hard to reach places in the game.

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I've been looking for these songs for awhile. They bring back so many pleasant memories. I wish not so many songs didn't work, but thank you for the upload!

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Fantastic music, extremely memorable and so recognisable... really a shame that the tracks with apostrophes don't work - however 32/40 or so tracks is very much worth it. Hopefully someone will reupload the troubled files..?

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Awesome, I remember these tunes!
Really nostalgic hearing them again...
Thanx for bringing back memories!

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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OMG! I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! hahah, I haven't been able to play it since I was a runt! god its been forever....I need to get a PS1, I have the games all three YAY! in perfect condition practically (didnt really get to play them) but no system. Sux......and I want these songs too!

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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This-being the very first psone game I ever owned-is one of the best games ever made. The music from this game brings a sense of nostalgia and joy to me. The unexusable hapiness I get from listening to the music this game rivals only the old music from the final fantasy psone games I grew up with. Good memories, and great game. I beat it to the point where every single bit of the game was reached.

7/10, seeings as some of the tracks(most being my favourite) are broken.

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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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U should make 1 be file so we can download all of them at once please do so :( please because i can be bothered downloading 1 at a time mabey a zip file could help zip them into 1 big file then we can unzip :)

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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This album is great! Brings back many memories! Too bad some of the songs don't work. If all the songs were working I would give you a 10.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Many thanks and much gratitude, to whomever it was who made this avalible for download. Winderful music. I couldn't find it anywhere else on the web. Alas, many of the tracks don't work. And the majority of those were the homeworlds, which in my opinion had some of the best soundtracks. That was the only thing that kept my rating from being a 10. I beseech thee, would someone please fix this? It would be greatly appreciated.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I love this music! its my favorite...It brings many memories back. stewart is an awesome artist, and he played the game first,to determine, what type of emotion he could use in that song.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Yeah, all the songs with Apostrophes don't work, please please please fix them

This is one of my favourite games

Hey, and do any of u guys know where I could get the Crash Team Racing soundtrackalbum, please????


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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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OMG I love these songs. They bring back so many memories. And so does the levels. The first game always had the best songs. THANK YOU STEWART COPELAND!!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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That apostrophes thing sounds like it would fix it, my computer thought that all those songs were applications, but for the songs that do work THANK YOU

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Oh how I LOVED this game's soundtrack, Spyro the Dragon just wasn't the same without Copeland's awesome mixes. If all the tracks could be fixed that'd be awesome, Artisan's homeworld and the dreamweaver homeworld were the two most memorable tracks I'd love to hear again.

Thanks for uploading!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Wow, this takes me back. One of the best games as a kid. Cant believe it was ten years ago! Great mp3s. the only problem are the home world mp3s. They download but wont play on media player cuz they have some weird extension format or something. otherwise, they work great!!!!!! thanks!!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Awesome stuff whoever uploaded it, however can someone re-upload all the Home Land themes WITHOUT apostrophes as that is what makes them fail to download.

Spyro was my first game too, and I have very fond memories playing the game. I had always loved the themes and was looking for a way to get the soundtrack, and I'm grateful there's a way to get them here.

Please fix the issue with the names however, it's unfortunate that a simple thing like that stuffed the songs up.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Great album from Stewart Copeland, how could I ever forget?
What I found to be even better than this were the Spyro 4: Enter the Dragonfly songs. Too bad only few songs were added to the list. But this album honestly brought back many great memories that I cannot even begin to express. Way to go Stewart Copeland and Universal Interactive for helping in the process of Spyro!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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my brother and I have been searching for this music since we found out you could get music online (a long time) its his favorite music and I just think its ok. Thanks for the awesome tunes!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I agree with the person above me! Please, I would like to download ALL the songs, and it would be awesome if you could fix the friggin links!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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All of the songs with apostrophes don't work.
Otherwise it is a great album. It really brings me back.

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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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i dont really think i need to say much, as everyone before me has thought the same. It DOES bring back many memories, however some of the songs dont work. PLEASE FIX THEM!!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Awesome music tracks made by Stewart Copeland. Brings a lot of memories. Superb stuff. Some tracks arent working though.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Spyro was the very first Playstation game I ever owned, so this brings back great memories...However, as the review before mine says, Not many of the songs work =/ They would be enjoyed much much more if fixed. Thank you anyway for putting this up ^^ great fun!

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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This brings me back to my innocent days as a wee lad , so it gets a high rating. Otherwise, it'd get a 2 because 9/10ths of the songs don't work...