シャドー・ダンサー ザ・シークレット・オブ・シノビ
Platforms: Genesis / Mega Drive
Year: 1990
Developed by: Sega
Published by: Sega
Number of Files: 19
Total Filesize: 36 MB (MP3), 109 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Mar 23rd, 2020
| Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
The play mechanics are similar to the arcade version of Shadow Dancer, with the main difference being the addition of a meter for the dog that accompanies the protagonist. In order for the dog to attack an enemy, the player must hold down the attack button until the meter is filled. The dog will only attack when he is barking towards a nearby enemy. This allows the player to sic the dog on an enemy while standing and jumping, allowing for more versatility than in the arcade game (where the dog only attacked while the player was crouching). The objective of each stage is also slightly changed from retrieving time bombs to rescuing hostages, much like in the original Shinobi. The male hostages give out bonus points and the occasional extra life, while the female hostages will enhance the protagonist's attacks until he reaches the next stage or loses a life.
03:02 Jan 18th, 2025Offline