R4 RIDGE RACER TYPE 4 ダイレクト・オーディオ
Platforms: PS1
Year: 1999
Catalog Number: ZMCX-103
Published by: Players Planet
Number of Files: 25
Total Filesize: 133 MB (MP3), 443 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Nov 22nd, 2024
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Album type: Soundtrack
Hiroshi Okubo (M02,M03,M05,M06,M12,M14,M19,M22,M23,M24,M25)
Kohta Takahashi (M01,M07,M13,M17,M18)
Asuka Sakai (M04,M08,M11,M14,M20,M21)
Tetsukazu Nakanishi (M09,M15)
Koji Nakagawa (M10,M16)
M03 and M04 are arranged versions; the versions used in-game are sequenced
M14 is featuring Asuka Sakai [Piano]
M14 is composed by Asuka Sakai and arranged by Hiroshi Okubo
RIDGE RACER -one more win-
Lyricist: Phillip Turnipseed
Vocals: Kimara Lovelace
Vocal Recording Coordinate: BPM King Street Sound
(Music sampling from "RIDGE RECER -one more win-" are M01,M02,M05,M19,M20,M24)
Executive Producer: Ken Sakamoto (MEDIA FACTORY)
Producer: Tetsu Kayama (MEDIA FACTORY), Yosuke Ozawa (MEDIA FACTORY)
A&R: Mitsutoshi Yamamoto (MEDIA FACTORY)
CD Sound Production: CATS
CD Sound Production Producer: Toshinori Numata (CATS)
CD Sound Production Director: Osamu Abukawa (CATS)
Mastering: 桜井学, Shuji Yoshida
Assistant Engineer: Nobushige Mashiko (Studio GREENBIRD)
Sales Promotion: 堺哲一 (MEDIA FACTORY), Kazuhiro Ido (MEDIA FACTORY), Arihito Sugimoto (MEDIA FACTORY)
Promotion Planning: 松原春男 (MEDIA FACTORY), Shihoko Morita (MEDIA FACTORY), Reiji Sato (MEDIA FACTORY)
Product Design: Sayumi Iwata (MEDIA FACTORY), 福永浩司 (MEDIA FACTORY)
Production Coordinator: Katsuyoshi Tega (MEDIA FACTORY)
Art Direction & Design: 高橋俊之 (ragtime)
Jacket / Disc Design: NAMCO Ltd.
Booklet Editor: Hidekuni Shida (ONEUP), Shusuke Motomiya (ONEUP)
Special Thanks: 大條充能 (ZEROIN), 今井佐代子 (Studio GREENBIRD)
Production Assistance: NAMCO Ltd.
02:47 Jan 21st, 2025Offline