Как вспомню когда играли с другом в Quake 3 Arena на карте LTC на рейлганах под музыку Noise Purge.
А вообще в Quake 3 Arena я и сейчас играю на серверах, как раз вечером онлайн высокий.
Мы как раз на id tech 3 движке игру делаем под названием Open Sandbox, игра как Garry's Mod.
God dammit, not AGAIN!
"half of the FLAC files are upconverts because they come from gameripped 22 KHz WAV PCM files"
People who make upconverts to music should be permanently banned from the entire internet! Gosh!
"This is okay though, you won't find any other Quake 3 Arena lossless FLACs beyond this anywhere in the internet."
I can sing along for some tunes and save it as FLAC... Will you apply that too?
PS We should make a petition on Change-org to ID Software to release a true, remastered if it needed or even recreated OST for Quake III Arena! One of the best VG OST ever. Period.
It's not only incomplete, half of the FLAC files are upconverts because they come from gameripped 22 KHz WAV PCM files. The only real lossless FLACs here are:
1) Sonic Mayhem Quake 3 Arena Noise album
2) Some of Front Line Assembly tracks gameripped from Quake 3 Arena Dreamcast version
3) Aubrey Hodges & Dale Stump Quake 3 Arena Dreamcast OST
This is okay though, you won't find any other Quake 3 Arena lossless FLACs beyond this anywhere in the internet.
05:43 Mar 17th, 2025Offline