レイトン教授と最後の時間旅行 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
Layton-kyouju to Saigo no Jikan Ryokou Original Soundtrack
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Original Soundtrack
Platforms: DS
Year: 2009
Catalog Number: PKCF-1009
Published by: UP-FRONT WORKS Co.
Number of Files: 28
Total Filesize: 124 MB (MP3), 330 MB (M4A)
Date Added: Nov 11th, 2020
| Change Log
Album type: Soundtrack
Tracks 1, 24~26: Live Version (Performer: Layton Grand Caravan Orchestra)
Tracks 27 & 28: High Quality Version
All Music Composed & Arranged (except for M-1, 23~26) by Tomohito Nishiura (LEVEL-5 Inc.)
Except for M-23 Music Composed by Ann Sally, Arranged by Norihito Sumitomo
Synthesizer Operated by Tomohito Nishiura (LEVEL-5 Inc.), Yumiko Hashizume (LEVEL-5 Inc.)
Layton Grand Caravan Orchestra
Arranged by Norihito Sumitomo (M-1, 24~26)
Accordion: Tetsuya Kuwayama (M-1, 25, 26)
Drums: Tomo'o Tsuruya (M-1)
Bass: Takayuki Doi (M-1)
Piano: Tadasuke Suzuki (M-1)
Clarinet: Kazuhito Ohshita (M-24)
Bassoon: Kenichi Goshima (M-25, 26)
Harp: Tomoyuki Asakawa (M-24)
Percussion: Yuichi Ise (M-24, 25)
Solo Violin: Yu Manabe (M-1)
Violin: Masami Miyasaka (M-1)
Violin: Yukiko Iwato (M-1)
Viola: Aiko Hosokawa (M-1)
Cello: Mari Masumoto (M-1)
Strings: Masami Miyasaka Strings (M-24, 25, 26)
Horn: Otohiko Fujita (M-24, 25, 26), Takanori Takahashi (M-24, 25)
Recording & Mix Engineer: Isamu Hanashima (M-1, 23~26)
Recording Coordination: 星圭一, Masaki Ishida (HORIPRO)、山田宏 (shinongakukyoukai)
Mastering Engineer: Wataru Ishii (ONKIO HAUS)
Art Direction: Ikuma Uehara (Sony Music Communications)
Design: Hinako Kono (Sony Music Communications), 青沼智子 (Sony Music Communications)
Artwork Coordinator: 朝比奈豊 (UP-FRONT WORKS), 望月孝則 (Sony Music Communications)
Sales Promotion: 木目田円 (UP-FRONT WORKS)
Promotion: 荒木一義 (UP-FRONT WORKS), 割鞘優子 (LEVEL-5 Inc.)
Production Manager: 高平香 (LEVEL-5 Inc.)
Label Producer: 高橋慎 (UP-FRONT WORKS), 臼杵照裕 (LEVEL-5 Inc.), Takashi Takagi (TIGHT PRO)
Executive Producer: Akihiro Hino (LEVEL-5 Inc.), 蔭山茂樹 (UP-FRONT WORKS)
Special Thanks: Yasunori Mitsuda (PROCYON STUDIO), 鈴木秀典 (PROCYON STUDIO), 丸屋教子 (LEVEL-5 Inc.)