This album was edited on Nov 24th, 2024
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Alternative Titles: | Alternative Titles: パラッパラッパー2 |
Platforms: PS2 | Platforms: PS2 PS4 |
This album was edited on Jan 21st, 2024
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Description: | Description: Gameplay follows that of its predecessors, in which the player must press buttons to make PaRappa rap in response to a teacher's lyrics. Players earn points and progress by rapping in time to the music and maintaining a Good rating through to the end of each level. By successfully improvising raps, the player can obtain a Cool rating, during which PaRappa will be given the chance to rap freestyle by himself, although it can be lost if they player performs badly, which will drop the rating down to Good. However, they will drop down a rating to Bad and Awful if they are currently on Good, with the player losing if they drop below Awful or end the song with a Bad or Awful rating. PaRappa 2 features some tweaks to the gameplay, as some of the teacher's lyrics may change based on the player's performance. For example, the lyrics may become simpler if the player is struggling, or become tougher if they perform well. After clearing two stages in a row, players can participate in a minigame where they must hit targets held out by Chop Chop Master Onion's Tamanegi students, earning bonus points which are added onto the previous level's score. Clearing each level with a Cool rating unlocks music tracks that can be listened to after completing the game. Each time the player clears the game, the color of PaRappa's hat changes from blue, to pink, to yellow, with each hat remixing the lines in each level. In addition to the single player campaign, the game features a two-player Vs. Mode, in which players are given a line to rap to, which they must improve upon by freestyling better than their opponent. |
Publishers: Sony Computer Entertainment | Publishers: SCE |
This album was edited on Mar 8th, 2023
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Name: Parappa the Rapper 2 | Name: PaRappa the Rapper 2 |
Platforms: PS2 PS4 | Platforms: PS2 |
Publishers: SCE | Publishers: Sony Computer Entertainment |
This album was edited on Jul 15th, 2022
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Developers: | Developers: NanaOn-Sha |
Publishers: | Publishers: SCE |