Touhou Suimusou ~ Immaterial and Missing Power.
Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism.
Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.
Touhou Fuumaroku ~ the Story of Eastern Wonderland.
Danmaku Amanojaku ~ Impossible Spell Card.
Yousei Daisensou ~ Touhou Sangetsusei
Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night.
Touhou Kaikidan ~ Mystic Square.
Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Platforms: PC-98, Windows
Year: 2019
Catalog Number: SDHC-0087
Published by: SOUND HOLIC
Number of Files: 17
Total Filesize: 141 MB (MP3), 606 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Feb 15th, 2025
Album type: Arrangement
Hakurei Jinja Reitaisai 16 release.
Arrangement by
DJ Command [Eurobeat Union] (1)
Nana Takahashi (1, 15, 16)
MasKaleido (2~4, 6, 7, 13, 14)
GUCCI (3, 8, 10, 14)
Camellia (5)
SHU (8, 10)
709sec. (9, 16)
Linjin [ZYTOKINE] (11)
Iceon [Frost Fragment] (12)
Kuwacho (17)
Tr.17 remixed by DJ Command [Eurobeat Union].
Vocals by
Nana Takahashi (1~17)
709sec. (9)
Lyrics by
Nana Takahashi (1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12~16)
Blue E (2, 8, 9)
Camellia (5)
Linjin [ZYTOKINE] (11)
Kuwacho (17)
Guitars on Tr.12 by neiro & Tr.4 by Josh.
Jacket Illustration by アゲモン.
Track origins:
1. Touhou Suimusou / Broken Moon
2. Touhou Koumakyou / Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
Touhou Kaeidzuka / Flowering Night
3. Touhou Koumakyou / Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17
4. Touhou Chireiden / The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place, The Dark Blowhole
5. Touhou Kanjuden / Pandemonic Planet, A World of Nightmares Never Seen Before
6. Touhou Fuumaroku / Love-colored Magic
7. Impossible Spell Card / Romantic Escape Flight
8. Fairy Wars / Loose Rain, Magus Night
9. Touhou Eiyashou / Love-colored Master Spark
10. Magical Astronomy / The Wheelchair's Future in Space
11. Touhou Eiyashou / Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
12. Touhou Kaikidan / Alice in Wonderland
13. Touhou Kanjuden / Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner
14. Touhou Youyoumu / Eastern Ghostly Dream ~ Ancient Temple
15. Touhou Yumejikuu / Vanishing Dream ~ Lost Dream
16. Touhou Chireiden / Last Remote
17. Touhou Koumakyou / Septette for the Dead Princess