メタルマックス メモリアルサウンドトラック
Platforms: 3DS, DS, Family Computer, NES, PS Vita, PS2, PS4, SNES, Switch, Windows
Year: 2018
Catalog Number: KGST-17001-1~3
Published by: Kadokawa Games
Number of Files: 59
Total Filesize: 289 MB (MP3), 1,017 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Apr 7th, 2021
| Change Log
Album type: Compilation
Produced by Satoshi Kadokura
All songs written by Kaykim (2-7,2-12,3-3,3-29)
All songs composed by Satoshi Kadokura
Except 2-7 "Honoo Tsugumono" by Manami Mizuno
3-23 "Hitotsu Yane no Shita" and 3-29 "aube" composed by Kaya [ELFI]
2-11 "Moonlight" by Ludwig van Beethoven
All songs arranged by Satoshi Kadokura
Except 2-1 "Endless Rain", 2-2 "Scrap town", 2-6 "Bias Vurado", 3-10 "Wanted",
3-16 "Michi Naki Michi" and 3-23 "Hitotsu Yane no Shita" arranged by Kaya [ELFI]
3-29 "aube" arranged by Kaya [ELFI], Strings arranged by Satoshi Kadokura
Keyboard and Manipulator: Satoshi Kadokura, Kaya [ELFI]
Guitar: Toshiya Soutome [LADY Beat MANIAX]
Bass: Seiji Ishimoto [LADY Beat MANIAX] (3-3)
Drums: Shin Akama [LADY Beat MANIAX] (3-3)
Vocalist: Manami Mizuno (2-7)
: Mari Shiraishi (2-12)
: Tomoko [LADY Beat MANIAX] (3-3)
: Erina [ELFI] (3-29)
All songs recorded mixed and Mastering by Satoshi Kadokura at Fiona Studio
Liner Notes: Hiroshi Miyaoka (Director / Original Writer), Satoshi Kadokura (Composer)