Platforms: Arcade, Neo Geo
Year: 1992
Developed by: SNK
Published by: SNK
Number of Files: 17
Total Filesize: 52 MB (MP3), 177 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: May 9th, 2022
Album type: Gamerip
The object of the game is to fight through five stages (twice) and destroy the end stage bosses by aiming for their weak points. The player maneuvers both a cyber jet and (once procured) an indestructible robot drone which acts both as a shield against small projectiles (similar to the Dino 246 drone in Pulstar and Blazing Star) and an additional weapon with multi-directional fire and concussion launch capabilities. The robot drone can be toggled to a stoptrack position or to rotate around the cyber jet. The cyber jet can be upgraded with three levels of three types of firepower and faster jet speed by collecting the corresponding power-ups.
06:24 May 9th, 2022Offline