Mobile Armoured Dion
機動装甲 ダイオン
Platforms: SNES
Year: 1992
Developed by: Jorudan
Published by: Vic Tokai
Number of Files: 19
Total Filesize: 67 MB (MP3), 182 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Aug 27th, 2019
Album type: Gamerip
Imperium differs from most shooters in many ways. There is no high score counter, but instead an experience points counter is displayed. Players earn experience points by destroying multitudes of enemies and the numbers differ depending on the size of the enemy. Players then earn additional weapons and power-ups for each weapon through a set number of experience points. The player has a five-hit life bar. If a player takes a hit, then whatever weapon they were using when they were hit is down graded by one point. Players can replenish health and any downgraded weapon by earning back experience points. The player also has speed-change control, which they can use to change the speed of their mech to five different levels. The player has no lives. If the player dies, then it's Game Over. However, they can start on the level they died on by using the Continue option that shows up on the main menu after dying. The player can only use the continue option four times.