フロントミッション オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
"FRONT MISSION" Original Sound Version
Platforms: SNES
Year: 1995
Catalog Number: PSCN-5019
Published by: NTT Publishing
Number of Files: 42
Total Filesize: 123 MB (MP3), 350 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Sep 9th, 2021
| Change Log
Album type: Soundtrack
1, 2, 4~8, 10, 13~16, 19, 21~23, 26, 29, 30, 34, 39 Composed & Arranged by Yoko Shimomura
3, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31~33, 35~38, 40~42 Composed & Arranged by Noriko Matsueda
Composed & Arranged by
Yoko Shimomura, Noriko Matsueda
Sound Programmer: Minoru Akao
Sound Engineer: Teruaki Sugawara
Producer: Kensuke Matsushita (NTT PUB.)
Production Management: Shinji Hashimoto
Production Submanagement
Kiyoko Maeda (SQUARE), Toshiyuki Inoue (SQUARE)
Mastering Engineer: Masaaki Katou (SUNRISE MUSIC)
Illustration: Yoshitaka Amano/3D up: Kow Yokoyama
Art Direction: Tadashi Shimada (Banana Studio)
Design: Tadashi Shimada, Norie Kadokura (Banana Studio)
Prototype & Finish-work: I.N.G
Co-Executive Producer: Mitsunobu Nakamura (NTT PUB.)
Executive Producer: Yoshitomo Ogata (NTT PUB.)
Special Thanks to...Game Create Staff of G-CRAFT
Liner Notes: Yoko Shimomura, Noriko Matsueda