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Friday Night Funkin' - vs. Starving Artist OST


Platforms: Windows
Year: 2021

Number of Files: 6
Total Filesize: 16 MB (MP3), 118 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Aug 20th, 2021
Uploaded by: Fran_150

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Menu 0:36 0.82 MB 5.29 MB get_app
2. Thoughts (pause menu) 2:31 3.45 MB 19.05 MB get_app
3. Hunger 2:38 3.61 MB 27.79 MB get_app
4. Aspirer 2:24 3.30 MB 27.14 MB get_app
5. Crybaby 1:51 2.54 MB 18.35 MB get_app
6. Empty 1:50 2.52 MB 19.92 MB get_app

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+ Comment

Diegosgamer7the Newest

12:31 Mar 29th, 2024Online

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My comment aged so well, Heh.

bob and his thoughts

06:39 Jan 3rd, 2022Offline

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Oh ok, Hey just bob lol, and also I think I figured out how it didn't work so that's good, and also thank you for your time



03:18 Dec 31st, 2021Offline

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bro retaken sanity is out
when the rip upload?


10:31 Oct 8th, 2021Offline

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bob and his thoughts

firstly its just bob second i think the replies are working and third yes and thank you for your time

Oh ok, Hey just bob lol, and also I think I figured out how it didn't work so that's good, and also thank you for your time

bob and his thoughts

12:47 Oct 7th, 2021Offline

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For some reason my reply isnt working but to Bob and his thoughts, Thank you, I never was judging his opinion or arguing with him to force him to change it I was just trying to give him backround information about the mod

firstly its just bob second i think the replies are working and third yes and thank you for your time


10:07 Oct 5th, 2021Offline

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For some reason my reply isnt working but to Bob and his thoughts, Thank you, I never was judging his opinion or arguing with him to force him to change it I was just trying to give him backround information about the mod

bob and his thoughts

11:35 Oct 4th, 2021Offline

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I wasn't making arguments about your opinion I just replied to your comment giving you background information about what's really going on in the mod. And I'm gonna be honest how you phrased it just sounded very rude, kinda like you were bashing people who liked the mod which is why I felt the need to reply.Look man Im gonna have to side with A for this one.sure the soundtracks arent THAT good but its still a good mod in my opinion. im not saying that you should fully like the mod were just trying to say that the way you worded it is very rude and also we just wanted you to understand the meaning of the mod not force you to enjoy it.


10:54 Oct 1st, 2021Offline

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Diegosgamer7the Newest

will you guys stop making stupid arguments about my opinion, it gets annoying.

I wasn't making arguments about your opinion I just replied to your comment giving you background information about what's really going on in the mod. And I'm gonna be honest how you phrased it just sounded very rude, kinda like you were bashing people who liked the mod which is why I felt the need to reply.

Diegosgamer7the Newest

06:04 Oct 1st, 2021Online

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I can't stop someone from disliking the mod but I just prefer someone to understand the full situation and reasonable reasons before they dislike the mod. And also may I just ask which mod have you created from Friday night funkin. I really wanna check it out. Or even if it isn't a Friday night funkin mod Id still like to see it :). I hope you are having and will continue to have a great day. :)

will you guys stop making stupid arguments about my opinion, it gets annoying.

bob and his thoughts

12:23 Sep 29th, 2021Offline

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pog mod


11:22 Sep 16th, 2021Offline

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Your Fellow Idiot

I mean, some engines other than Kade Engine are also good, like Mic'd Up (used by AGOTI)

And Psych Engine (used by tabi)


07:08 Sep 16th, 2021Offline

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HEY! I think this mod is cool, outside of the fact that it doesn't use kade engine.

Yeah a lot of people think it's cool other than the guy I was arguing with


07:07 Sep 16th, 2021Offline

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Your Fellow Idiot

I mean, some engines other than Kade Engine are also good, like Mic'd Up (used by AGOTI)

and also bbpanzu

Your Fellow Idiot

12:31 Sep 16th, 2021Offline

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HEY! I think this mod is cool, outside of the fact that it doesn't use kade engine.

I mean, some engines other than Kade Engine are also good, like Mic'd Up (used by AGOTI)


12:04 Sep 16th, 2021Offline

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I'm pretty sure he doesn't like that either

HEY! I think this mod is cool, outside of the fact that it doesn't use kade engine.


10:54 Sep 15th, 2021Offline

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You don't have to like the mod, but you gotta love the soundtrack and the effort that Rebecca put into it!

I'm pretty sure he doesn't like that either


10:47 Sep 15th, 2021Offline

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You don't have to like the mod, but you gotta love the soundtrack and the effort that Rebecca put into it!


03:22 Sep 5th, 2021Offline

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I guess that's understandable, although I don't think it's necessary to know about the creator beforehand, after all it's mostly about the quality of the mod; knowing the story behind it will mostly make you sympathetic towards the creator but can only push your appreciation for the game by so little. As for a mod I haven't made any 😅 but thank you and have a nice day too! 🤗

That's true I guess, though I went from liking a lot of entertainment very little to them becoming my favorite things to watch by just hearing about their background. And also you mentioned you were a creator still, even if it isn't in Friday Night funkin' I feel like whatever you have made would be cool to see. :D. Have a great day :)


04:33 Sep 3rd, 2021Offline

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I can't stop someone from disliking the mod but I just prefer someone to understand the full situation and reasonable reasons before they dislike the mod. And also may I just ask which mod have you created from Friday night funkin. I really wanna check it out. Or even if it isn't a Friday night funkin mod Id still like to see it :). I hope you are having and will continue to have a great day. :)

I guess that's understandable, although I don't think it's necessary to know about the creator beforehand, after all it's mostly about the quality of the mod; knowing the story behind it will mostly make you sympathetic towards the creator but can only push your appreciation for the game by so little. As for a mod I haven't made any 😅 but thank you and have a nice day too! 🤗


07:51 Sep 3rd, 2021Offline

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Dude the guy just said he didnt like the mod. What Diego is probably judging the mod about it it's quality, not what the creator went throught. That's a game that's meant to be played, if the music/art/story is bad then it's going to be criticized no matter what because that is what people are going to see and hear while playing the game. I have been in the same situation as the creator and I do have pity for them but someone real life experiences cannot exclude the mod from being criticized. You can like the mod but you cannot stop someone else from disliking it because you don't want them to.

I can't stop someone from disliking the mod but I just prefer someone to understand the full situation and reasonable reasons before they dislike the mod. And also may I just ask which mod have you created from Friday night funkin. I really wanna check it out. Or even if it isn't a Friday night funkin mod Id still like to see it :). I hope you are having and will continue to have a great day. :)


08:23 Sep 2nd, 2021Offline

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Look, you got your opinions and I got mine but I just find it rude that you don't like a mod just because it's based off of a person's real life experiences and struggles. Not everyone is able to live comfortably, many people live from paycheck to paycheck. Many times people use the internet to get away from other problems like struggling financially, emotionally, or physically. So I'm just saying that you should consider other people's circumstances before having a set opinion.

Dude the guy just said he didnt like the mod. What Diego is probably judging the mod about it it's quality, not what the creator went throught. That's a game that's meant to be played, if the music/art/story is bad then it's going to be criticized no matter what because that is what people are going to see and hear while playing the game. I have been in the same situation as the creator and I do have pity for them but someone real life experiences cannot exclude the mod from being criticized. You can like the mod but you cannot stop someone else from disliking it because you don't want them to.


07:48 Aug 28th, 2021Offline

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Diegosgamer7the Newest

whatever you say pal, but i don't like it

Look, you got your opinions and I got mine but I just find it rude that you don't like a mod just because it's based off of a person's real life experiences and struggles. Not everyone is able to live comfortably, many people live from paycheck to paycheck. Many times people use the internet to get away from other problems like struggling financially, emotionally, or physically. So I'm just saying that you should consider other people's circumstances before having a set opinion.

Diegosgamer7the Newest

07:43 Aug 27th, 2021Online

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You do know that this mod is based off of this persons real experiences right? She isnt just making this mod because she likes blood and gore. There are actually many people who give up on sleep, food, and any interactions with other humans to try to get more work done and then end up becoming stuck and are still pressuring themselves to work harder. And also the person is a she not a he.

whatever you say pal, but i don't like it


10:51 Aug 22nd, 2021Offline

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Diegosgamer7the Newest

Starving artist, more like, Edgy artist (I got own my points why I decided to call him like that)

You do know that this mod is based off of this persons real experiences right? She isnt just making this mod because she likes blood and gore. There are actually many people who give up on sleep, food, and any interactions with other humans to try to get more work done and then end up becoming stuck and are still pressuring themselves to work harder. And also the person is a she not a he.


10:44 Aug 21st, 2021Offline

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Diegosgamer7the Newest

Starving artist, more like, Edgy artist (I got own my points why I decided to call him like that)

I don't mean to intrude on your opinion, but the mod was made as a retelling of the creator's real life experiences. Her parents were in some financial trouble, so she had to work full time on her animated series StellaPie to get enough money to help them. She didn't sleep and hardly took any breaks, leading to her having to go to the hospital.

Diegosgamer7the Newest

01:23 Aug 21st, 2021Online

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Starving artist, more like, Edgy artist (I got own my points why I decided to call him like that)