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extreme-G - Official Remixes (X64 Magazine Le CD)


Platforms: N64
Year: 1997

Number of Files: 11
Total Filesize: 64 MB (MP3), 213 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Sep 24th, 2020
Album type: Soundtrack

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Highway 99 3:50 7.17 MB 21.86 MB get_app
2. Gravity 3:56 7.20 MB 23.97 MB get_app
3. No Limit 4:25 8.30 MB 27.33 MB get_app
4. Moto Inferno 3:44 7.18 MB 23.39 MB get_app
5. sequence G - Desert I 2:53 5.46 MB 17.58 MB get_app
6. Space Station 1:42 2.81 MB 9.51 MB get_app
7. Mines ~ Canyons I 2:49 5.29 MB 16.78 MB get_app
8. Mines ~ Canyons II 3:01 5.30 MB 18.80 MB get_app
9. Desert II 2:56 5.25 MB 18.48 MB get_app
10. City I 2:55 5.01 MB 18.50 MB get_app
11. City II 2:58 5.12 MB 17.00 MB get_app

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+ Comment

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01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Guys, it's official remixes, not original ones, please stop to say "These aren't originals!" because it's written in the title.

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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this is an official release, with remixes ! that's why they don't sound like the in-game songs ! but they uploaded the in-game soundtrack as well !

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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O.o wooo
Awesome!! !
Thank you very much =D

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This is, in fact, the soundtrack to the game excluding the first several tracks. However, the tracks are enhanced a bit compared to their console counterpart.

That being said, my favorite is definitely track 7, listed track 11 for this CD. Has such a fantastic sense of struggle and desperation.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Hi! well yes, i have to say they are not the original and my favorite song it´s not there... TRACK 8... i made a re-mix in 2003 of it... if someone is interested

h ttp://www.youtu z_TvWLMIQ5o

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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These aren't the exact originals but they still sound the same. Brings me back, love it.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I only recognise one song, and I have the game

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Whoever said "the songs maybe cheesy now..." is a complete moron. These songs have always been kickass.

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Guest Reviewer

01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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It isn't exactly the original sountrack
For example:
Track 7 sounds diffrent in the game.

well the N64 could only produce 64-bit Music.Maybe this is the reason...

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I have been looking for these track for such a long time i want to thank you so much, brings back so many memories!!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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I feel the same way.. this was a great game and the great music that went with it made it even better..

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Orignal? My ass... The guy above is right, it isn't the original tracks from the game really... Fake info u.u Go play a little and see what we mean!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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i'm so nice. i should upload the unremixed versions of all the levels for extreme-g.
i listed them by numbers because i didn't know each level's name when i ripped them.

i didn't mind the remixes because i always listen to the originals and wanted something a little new.

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Extreme G was like one of the few starting games on N64 for me and the music was my favorite part and I really think I like Daft Punk because of what Acclain did to my gaming music intelligence. I was looking to play my 64 the other day and saw Extreme G, ran to my computer and downloaded this as fast as i could. You have no idea how fast I RAN!


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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Thank you for posting, I own this game and I really have always loved the in-game soundtrack. Now its part of my growing trance music collection!

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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u Barbra Streisands! this is not! the exactlly official sound!
i have the game for N64 and the sound is other F U with your "original"

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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OMG i've been looking these tracks for ages and i've found it
track 1 it's so damn nice,i can't stop hear it :P

gratz and thx

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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this is freaking awesome!!! iv been looking and looking and looking for these for months!! theyre all great songs but some sound slightly different than they do in the game...

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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

comment graphic are completely right
the 6th one really rocks..
this game was my 1st to play on nintendo64
i loved it so much
many thanks to the member who uploaded them...

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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OMGOMGOMG you know how long I've been looking for these tracks? How do I get it to play on Windows Media Player or Winamp?

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Guest Reviewer

01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Brilliant! ive been looking for this for ages and now ive found it =D
i especially love the original tracks 1, 3, 5 and 6..they da bomb!