This album was replaced by a different version on Feb 14th, 2025
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This album was edited on Feb 14th, 2025
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Alternative Titles: moon: Remix RPG Adventure | Alternative Titles: moon: Remix RPG adventure |
Catalog Number: MTR0001-5 | Catalog Number: MTR-0001~5 |
Description: A 2020 reissue of the soundtrack to moon: Remix RPG Adventure. Features new remixes and previously unreleased songs from the game's soundtrack. | Description: 5 CD Deluxe Box Set containing 95 songs and over 5 hours of music from Moon: Remix RPG Adventure. Disc 1 REAL "The Story of a Fallen Boy" contains 28 songs from "MOON ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK" plus 6 unreleased songs showcasing the influence of British, French New Wave, and exotic music from the 70's. DISC 1 M01☆ (music: masanof,taniGUCCI) M02 (music: C.Debussy) M03☆ (music: masanof,taniGUCCI) M04 (music: masanof) M05☆ (music: masanof) M06 (music: masanof) M07 (music: masanof) M08 (music: masanof) M09 (music: masanof,Taro) M10 / Masamichi Kirikae (music: KIRIKAE MASAMICHI) M11☆ (music: masanof) M12 (music: masanof) M13 (music: masanof) M14 (music: masanof,taniGUCCI) M15 (music: taniGUCCI) M16 (music: masanof) M17 (music: SAKAMOTO HIROMICHI) M18 (music: masanof,taniGUCCI) M19☆ (music: masanof,Taro) M20 / Yamaoka Akira (music: Yamaoka Akira) M21 / THE SLEEPWALK (music: THE SLEEPWALK) M22 (music: taniGUCCI) M23 / U.M.A. (music: Honma ENZO) M24☆ (music: masanof) M25 (music: masanof) M26 (music: masanof) M27 (music: taniGUCCI) M28 (music: masanof,taniGUCCI, words: masanof, translate: Miki) All Performed by Thelonious Monkees except M-02 Denpazar, M-10 KIRIKAE MASAMICHI M-17 SAKAMOTO HIROMICHI, M-20 Yamaoka Akira M-21 THE SLEEPWALK, M-23 U.M.A., M-22,28 vocal: Krysta Remastered by Thelonious Monkees ☆ = First appearance sound source Disc 2 DIVERCITY TRACKS contains songs in their original form by their respective artists that were replaced or changed for the original release of the game (i.e., changed to instrumental, changed the mix, etc.). In addition, it includes remastered versions of "I kept my promise to you" by Thelonious Monkees and "KERA-MA-GO EX-PO MIX". DISC 2 Performed by M-01 LAMPUPPA M-02 GALAKTICA A.K.A. M-03 イメージソウル M-04 KINGLET M-05 ヒロミチ サカモト M-06 Nゲージ M-07 園山光博 M-08 Venus Fly Catcher M-09 佐野朋子 M-10 和完 M-11 U.M.A. M-12 Dioramic Phono Odor M-13, 14 Thelonious Monkees M01 / LAMPUPPA (music: Mariko Hata) M02 / GALAKTICA A.K.A. (music: GALAKTICA A.K.A.) M03 / Image Soul (music&words: Image Soul, vocal: Yo-C) M04 / KINGLET (music&words: KINGLET, vocal: JUNKO) M05 / Hiromichi Sakamoto (music: Hiromichi Sakamoto) M06 / N Gauge (music&words: 水野圭一郎, 田邊暢也) M07 / Mitsuhiro Sonoyama (music: Mitsuhiro Sonoyama) M08 / Venus fly catcher (music&words: NICK JAMES, vocal: Yoko.JK) M09 / Tomoko Sano (music&words: TOMO, Percussion: Tomoko Sano, vocal: Yukie Naruse, Harp: 早川恵美子, Violin: 荒井直子, Contrabass: 菊地雅晃) M10 / Wakan (和完) (music: Wakan Kineya (杵屋和完), words: Traditional) M11 / U.M.A. (music&words: Honma ENZO) M12 / Dioramic Phono Odor (music: Hirofumi Taniguchi) M13 / Thelonious Monkees (music: masanof, taniGUCCI, translate: miki, vocal: masanof, Taro, taniGUCCI, words: masanof) M14 / Thelonious Monkees (music: masanof, taniGUCCI, words: masanof, translate: Miki, vocal: Krysta) Remastered by Thelonious Monkees Disc 3 & 4 Moon Disc Due to the limitations of the original game hardware, Moon Disc was mono sound source in game. These discs are remastered from the original master tapes that were recorded in stereo. This is the first time the original sound source is available on CD. DISC 3 Performed by M-01 KILL THE PITCH M-02 イメージソウル M-03 UBIK M-04 ニムラ・オーバードライヴ M-05 D.T.Construction M-06 GALAKTICA A.K.A. M-07 FINALOFFSET M-08 U.M.A. M-09 KIN TAII M-10 切替マサミチ M-11 あすなろボーイズ M-12 LAMPUPPA M-13 Hirotoh Morikawa M-14 AKIRA M-15 園山光博 M-16 佐野朋子 M-17 QYPTHONE M-18 今川ツトム M-19 TUCKER M01 / KILL THE PITCH (music: KILL THE PITCH) M02 / Image Soul (music: moriken) M03 / UBIK (music: Norishige Yoshida (吉田徳臣)) M04 / Nimura Overdrive (music: Shigeru Nimura ) M05 / D.T.Construction (music:Dr.Tommy) M06 / GALAKTICA A.K.A. (music: GALAKTICA A.K.A.) M07 / FINALOFFSET (music: Yamaoka Akira) M08 / U.M.A. (music: Honma ENZO) M09 / KIN TAII (music: Kin Taii) M10 / Masamichi Kirikae (music: Masamichi Kirikae) M11 / Asunaro Boys (music: Asunaro Boys) M12 / LAMPUPPA (music: Mariko Hata) M13 / Hirotoh Morikawa (music: Hirotoh Morikawa) M14 / AKIRA (music: Akira Ueda) M15 / Mitsuhiro Sonoyama (music: Mitsuhiro Sonoyama) M16 / Tomoko Sano (music: TOMO) M17 / QYPTHONE (music: Takeshi Nakatsuka) M18 / Tsutomu Imagawa (music: Tsutomu Imagawa) M19 / TUCKER (music: TUCKER) DISC 4 Performed by M-01 THE SLEEPWALK M-02 KINGLET M-03 Thelonious Monkees M-04 Venus fly catcher M-05 岐田稔 M-06 横川雅大 M-07 アマゾン南西部、イナウイニ河岸の 民 M-08 Son Calligraphie M-09 Dioramic Phono Odor M-10 和完 M-11 Nゲージ M-12 MELAGRANA M-13 坂本弘道 M-14 ユーシン M-15 Thelonious Monkees M-16 Thelonious Monkees M-17 NYANTARA M-18 UBIK M-19 A-bow M-20 TSMUSIC M-21 LAMPUPPA M-22 Hirotoh Morikawa M01 / THE SLEEPWALK (music: Masaki Ohshima) M02 / KINGLET (music: Kiyoshi Hazemoto) M03 / Thelonious Monkees (music: masanof, Taro) M04 / Venus fly catcher (music: NICK JAMES) M05 / Minoru Kida (music: Minoru Kida) M06 / 横川雅大 (music: 村松大) M07 / アマゾン南西部, イナウイニ河岸の主民 (music: 作者不詳) M08 / Son Calligraphie (music: Masahiko Okura, Masaaki Kikuchi) M09 / Dioramic Phono Odor (music: Hirofumi Taniguchi) M10 / Wakan (和完) (music: Wakan Kineya (杵屋和完)) M11 / N Gauge (music: 水野圭太郎, 田這暢也) M12 / MELAGRANA (music: MELAGRANA) M13 / Hiromichi Sakamoto (music: Hiromichi Sakamoto) M14 / Yushin (music: Yushin Yoshida) M15 / Thelonious Monkees (music: masanof) M16 / Thelonious Monkees (music: taniGUCCI, words: masasnof) M17 / NYANTARAS (music: NYANTARAS) M18 / UBIK (music: 吉田徳臣) M19 / A-bow (music: Atsushi Hirasawa) M20 / TSMUSIC (music: moriken) M21 / LAMPUPPA (music: Mariko Hata) M22 / Hirotoh Morikawa (music: Hirotoh Morikawa) Remastered by Thelonious Monkees Disc 5 FAKE "The Story of a Dragon and a Boy" This disc contains previously unreleased music from the in-game game "The Story of a Dragon and a Hero" via a completely new recording. It is based on the PSG + PCM sound source and attempts to imitate the synthesizer and drum machine sounds of the time while also using modern sounds and staying true to the Super Famicom sound source. DISC5 M01 (music: taniGUCCI, masanof) M02 (music: masanof, taniGUCCI) M03 (music: masanof, Taro) M04 (music: masanof, taniGUCCI) M05 (music: taniGUCCI, masanof) M06 (music: Vaughan Williams by FANTASY ON GREENSLEEVES) M07 (music: masanof) M08 (music: masanof, taniGUCCI) M09 (music: taniGUCCI, masanof) M10 (music: taniGUCCI) M11 (music: taniGUCCI) M12 (music: masanof, taniGUCCI, Taro) Produced and Performed by Thelonious Monkees All first appearance sound sources All tracks ©&℗2020 Monkee Tambourine Records / Manufactured by Monkee Tambourine Records All rights reserved Acknowledgements Hiroshi Suzuki, Masaru Hori, Keizou Nakamura, Tomoyuki Ohtake, Miki Yamauchi, Sayoko Yokote & ex-Lovedelic Shinichiro Hirata Koichi Kondo (chara-ani corporation) Mika Fuchie (VANPOOL,INC.) Thanks everyone who participated in interview. Credit Produce: Thelonious Monkees (Monkee Tamourine Records) Art Direction & Box, Sleeve, Poster Design: Kenzo Izutani (KENZO IZUTANI OFFICE CORPORATION) moon Charactor Arts: Kazuyuki Kurashima (Onion Games K.K) moon Back Visual Arts & Moon Disc Player Development: Akira Ueda (AUDIO INC) "Brave" Clay Product, Photos of Diorama Production & Jacket, Paper Assembly Kit: Hirofumi Taniguchi Booklet Editioral Design: Masanori Adachi Foreword: Kenichi Nishi (Route24 Inc.) Aferword: Yoshiro Kimura (Onion Games K.K) Love-de-lic History Text: Yoshiaki Matsuo (BE-INTokyo) Rights Negotiation: Noboru Mogami (KADOKAWA CORPORATION) Examination Adviser: Taro Kudo Supervise: Yoshiro Kimura (Onion Games K.K) Bookbinding & Box Package: Shinohara Shiko Ltd. CD Press & Package: G-CREWS Ltd. Published by Onion Games ©KADOWKAWA CORPORATION / ©Route24 Inc. All rights reserved. Preorders come with 3 special gifts: GIFT 1: A 92-page full-color Art & Dialog Book "CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE" which contains interviews with the musicians and developers as well as a history of Love-de-lic until it's development in 1996. GIFT 2: MD Miniature Paper Craft "Moon Disc But Cool Disc", which is a storage box for Moon Discs that exist in the game. GIFT 3: Guide Flyer "EX-PO '97 In memoriam the moondays", which describes how to enjoy the deluxe box set. The back is a collaboration poster between Kazuyuki Kurashima, who was in charge of character design for Moon, and Kenzo Izutani, who was in charge of graphic design. A numbered memory card bonus "Elegia Karta" is included for those who purchase directly from the Monkee Tambourine Store Order Period exists from 2020/05/25 through 2020/06/25. |
Platforms: PS1 | Platforms: Switch |
Publishers: ASCII Entertainment Onion Games | Publishers: Monkee Tambourine Records |