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Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine


Cooking Academy 2: So kocht die Welt!

Platforms: MacOS, Windows
Year: 2009
Developed by: Fugazo
Published by: Fugazo

Number of Files: 12
Total Filesize: 11 MB (MP3), 6 MB (OGG)
Date Added: Mar 7th, 2025   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: Kevin (Maycroft) Harvick

Download all songs at once: click to download (OGG+MP3)
  Song Name MP3 OGG    
America 0:37 0.98 MB 0.64 MB get_app
China 0:44 1.18 MB 0.76 MB get_app
France 0:27 0.72 MB 0.46 MB get_app
Happy Song 0:15 0.43 MB 0.26 MB get_app
India 0:37 1.08 MB 0.64 MB get_app
International2 0:43 1.18 MB 0.72 MB get_app
Italy 0:40 1.14 MB 0.68 MB get_app
Japan 0:33 0.89 MB 0.56 MB get_app
Main Menu 0:30 0.82 MB 0.50 MB get_app
Map Screen 0:30 0.93 MB 0.53 MB get_app
Mexico 0:32 0.89 MB 0.53 MB get_app
Sad Song 0:12 0.33 MB 0.19 MB get_app


Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine is the second entry in a cooking simulator series with Cooking Mama-inspired gameplay. It is essentially the first game with new recipes, and besides some minor additions, like a hidden object challenge, it plays more like an expansion pack than a full new game.

The goal remains the same: to cook dishes and receive grades to progress. Each level is a dish, where every preparation step is a separate section. The player has to use the mouse to slice and dice vegetables and meat on the chopping board, liquefy ingredients in the food processor, and perform other common kitchen activities before the timer at the top-right corner reaches zero.

The interface changes with every step. Green arrows indicate the movement that must be performed with the mouse. At the start of most recipes, a hidden object screen appears with a list of the required ingredients, and an open fridge showing shelves filled with food. The objective is to collect all the list items before time runs out. In the stove top, food has to be cooked on pots and woks. The player must follow a series of instructions that keep moving from right to left at the bottom of the screen and pass under a marker, that include adding ingredients, stirring the mixture and changing the temperature at the right time.

Some tasks require precision and care, like breaking eggs and peeling lettuce. When pouring from the mixing bowl to a recipient, the player has to time it right and not exceed the volume limit, marked as a green line on the side.

The game is divided on a series of menus, each representing a different ethnic cuisine with a list of recipes. After completing all recipes with good grades, the player must pass cooking exams, where the same task has to be repeated as fast as possible before time runs out, to move to the next menu.

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