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Super Battletoads

Platforms: Arcade
Year: 1994
Developed by: Rare
Published by: Electronic Arts

Number of Files: 11
Total Filesize: 42 MB (MP3), 192 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Jan 4th, 2023   | Change Log
Album type: Gamerip
Uploaded by: Luisswag87

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Defend the Vulture 2:25 3.61 MB 18.87 MB get_app
2. Christmas Grotto 3:10 4.90 MB 20.95 MB get_app
3. The Dark Queen's Battleship 3:00 4.68 MB 22.24 MB get_app
4. Cave Pit 4:25 6.75 MB 31.71 MB get_app
5. The Dark Queen's Mansion 4:04 6.05 MB 27.05 MB get_app
6. Boss 2:12 3.28 MB 14.85 MB get_app
7. Boss 2 2:01 3.19 MB 13.18 MB get_app
8. Korpse Kount 1:44 2.73 MB 12.19 MB get_app
9. Mission Complete 0:06 0.19 MB 0.67 MB get_app
10. Ending 1:47 2.72 MB 11.98 MB get_app
11. Brain Chase (Unused) 2:44 4.13 MB 18.49 MB get_app

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+ Comment


10:16 Feb 22nd, 2025Offline

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i have no clue what soundchip this uses but i wouldn't be surprised if it were the snes soundchip


04:39 Jan 1st, 2024Offline

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That Stage 3 music is the best song to ever be in a video game, hands down.


12:40 Aug 17th, 2023Offline

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Me listening to track two: HELLO KIRBY 64 IS THAT YOU


02:07 Aug 4th, 2023Offline

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This whole thing goes pretty hard. Definitely worth a listen, even if you've never battled a toad. 9.7/10.

Personal Favorites:
Defend the Vulture, Christmas Grotto, The Dark Queen's Mansion, Boss.


07:03 Mar 6th, 2023Offline

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This game was trying way too hard to be edgy, which only made it funnier. Soundtracks slaps not gonna lie


05:13 Jan 6th, 2023Offline

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To be honest,i never played much of Battleoads because i reminded me a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,which are in my book waaay more popular than Battletoads. But i do have a spot for this franchise because the only games i had on Genesis where the Battletoads,Sonic 1 to Sonic 3&K and TMNT: HyperStone Heist.

The arcade game wasnt all that bad as much as i thought.Its only the fact that each time i find an old arcade machine with Battletoads i usually lose around 6 dollars because in our country,if you want to play on an arcade machine,you had to insert 2 dollars.I had to insert 2 dollars three times because i sucked at it.Its still an ok game,but it will be better when the game gets ported to PC or a Gen Z console.

It's available on the Xbox one with rare replay which has battletoads arcade


12:37 Jan 5th, 2023Offline

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To be honest,i never played much of Battleoads because i reminded me a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,which are in my book waaay more popular than Battletoads. But i do have a spot for this franchise because the only games i had on Genesis where the Battletoads,Sonic 1 to Sonic 3&K and TMNT: HyperStone Heist.

The arcade game wasnt all that bad as much as i thought.Its only the fact that each time i find an old arcade machine with Battletoads i usually lose around 6 dollars because in our country,if you want to play on an arcade machine,you had to insert 2 dollars.I had to insert 2 dollars three times because i sucked at it.Its still an ok game,but it will be better when the game gets ported to PC or a Gen Z console.

The red ant

11:43 Sep 27th, 2020Offline

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David wise doing god's work


01:18 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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i like that video game music soundtrack. it reminds me of the original sega genesis video game music soundtrack of: battletoads and double dragon (sega genesis video game music album soundtrack).

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Guest Reviewer

01:16 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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If there's one thing Battletoads for the Arcade isn't, it isn't boring. The soundtrack to this game is, like the actual arcade game, awesome. The soundtrack is testosterone inducing, hard hitting, and Toad-ally cool. If you don't like this soundtrack, there's nothing wrong with it. There's something wrong with you.

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Guest Reviewer

01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Only from hearing this awesome soundtrack, my testosterone increased greatly and my voice is more deep.