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Banjo-Tooie CD Soundtrack



Platforms: N64
Year: 2000
Catalog Number: N/A
Published by: Nintendo of America

Number of Files: 14
Total Filesize: 121 MB (MP3), 362 MB (FLAC)
Date Added: Nov 27th, 2024   | Change Log
Album type: Soundtrack

Download all songs at once: click to download (FLAC+MP3)
  # Song Name MP3 FLAC    
1. Jinjo Village 4:31 8.55 MB 25.94 MB get_app
2. Isle of Hags 4:56 8.48 MB 25.77 MB get_app
3. Mayahem Temple 4:18 8.52 MB 24.27 MB get_app
4. Glitter Gulch Mine 4:06 7.15 MB 22.14 MB get_app
5. Witchyworld 4:25 7.36 MB 20.46 MB get_app
6. Jolly Roger's Lagoon 4:15 7.32 MB 23.14 MB get_app
7. Atlantis 4:59 8.97 MB 26.49 MB get_app
8. Terrydactyland 4:14 7.54 MB 19.91 MB get_app
9. Grunty Industries 4:30 7.94 MB 23.03 MB get_app
10. Hailfire Peaks 4:49 7.90 MB 21.88 MB get_app
11. Cloud Cuckooland 4:12 7.35 MB 21.34 MB get_app
12. Cauldron Keep 4:53 8.77 MB 26.20 MB get_app
13. Final Battle 6:39 12.94 MB 41.47 MB get_app
14. Credits 6:32 11.86 MB 40.18 MB get_app


Available for purchase through Nintendo Power magazine.

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03:29 Nov 27th, 2024Offline

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This album was updated on 27th of November, 2024.

Change Log:
Fixed Tags

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01:17 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Missing the final track of the credits, time duration of 6:38

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01:15 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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One of my favorite composers Grant Kirkhope strikes again!! Haha really though amazing OST

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01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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love the music,so great but is that all on the soundtrack? I Think the people that made the soundtrack forgot to add the rest of the music.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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This is another great Banjo-Kazooie album. What else can I say?

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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possibly the best game soundtrack i have heard,the music is diverse and (in game) would fit the level perfectly. its sad that there wasn't any addition of the multiple versions of themes to each level though.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Dude they needed to put more songs in this D= I mean this is my favorite game evar! I love the songs in this game! But only those is not enough. I want them all! =D

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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It's a really good game, actually. Considering it's on the 64, you have to admit that for its time it was amazing. I just bought it recently on the xbox 360 for Arcade, and it's bringing back good memories :P I used to play it all the time. It is a shame they didn't put everything in, but you can't really complain, the music is still catchy as hell and gets you in a good mood. I think the soundtrack is equally as good as Banjo Kazooie, but the game is much better overall :)I'd have to say... Witchyworld is the best world by far, because the music, and you move around to what appears to be different worlds. Plus there are more games to play to earn the jiggies, so the level is much easier and entertaining.

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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Gosh darn it! I was looking for Mumbo's little dance-magic song and I seriously thought it was going to be on the soundtrack. That's a little disappointing...

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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it' great but why don't they have the pause menu screen music? it's good too. My favorite one is WitchyWorld!!!!

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01:13 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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What? This is good! It got rid of the sfx when you enter a place!
This is a fantastic piece of work

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01:12 Apr 25th, 2020Offline

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wish they had the tracks from underwater and such

but still happy..
this music makes me smile =]