This album was edited on Dec 31st, 2023
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Description: | Description: Playing as either Kei (Satoru) or Yumi (Sayaka), gameplay follows that of the previous games in which the player must catch several monkeys by using various gadgets controlled with right analogue stick. While there are fewer gadgets in this game than previous entries, a new feature in this game is the ability to morph into different forms through a device built by Aki. Some monkeys may also try to steal the player's Stun Club or Time Net and use it against them, and can even force them out of the level by catching them with their own net. Playing as Yumi has an additional benefit; owing to her pop idol status, certain monkeys will go star-struck upon sight of Yumi, allowing for an easy capture. |
Developers: Japan Studio | Developers: SCE Japan Studios |
Publishers: Sony Computer Entertainment | Publishers: SCE |
This album was edited on Mar 5th, 2023
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Publishers: | Publishers: Sony Computer Entertainment |
This album was edited on Oct 28th, 2022
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Publishers: Sony Computer Entertainment | Publishers: |
This album was edited on Oct 28th, 2022
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Alternative Titles: | Alternative Titles: サルゲッチュ3 |
Album Type: | Album Type: Gamerips |
Developers: | Developers: Japan Studio |
Publishers: | Publishers: Sony Computer Entertainment |