F-Zero (SNES) (gamerip) (1990)

This was done by members of Weather Report and friends. I have to say it's some of the best and hard-to-find music out there! If you enjoy Classic Rock or Jazz, get this Album!
These are the "arranged" versions... not the original versions ripped directly from the SNES game. They are excellent tracks, but I already have them. If you're looking for the original SNES rip of F-Zero, this isn't it!
i have always loved video games, and always will! but what if i didn't have the time to go play my super nintendo, genesis, or what if my old beggar of a console was broken down? well, i can just listen to the soundtrack!!!
i'm digging these tunes not the ones i was looking for but you best believe i'm getting these to major probs to the producer love the jazzy theme. Also anyone else get a Bill Cosby vibe from these tracks? xD
Not the original soundtrack, but a fusion arrangement in the style of '80s weather report or the yellowjackets. In fact, in some of the tracks you can find musicians who played on these bands such as robben ford, marc russo (from the yellowjackets), alex acuña and alphonso johnson (from weather report). You can even listen to this songs without being a fan of f-zero, or even videogames. This doesn't feel rushed or lazy like other video game music albums. A great album for music lovers in general.

these are rom rips from the original game.
the "arranged" versions, are in the style of F-Zero GX