Crash Bandicoot: De Wraak van Cortex
Crash Bandicoot: La Vengeance de Cortex
Crash Bandicoot: Der Zorn des Cortex
Crash Bandicoot: L'ira di Cortex
Crash Bandicoot: La Venganza de Cortex
クラッシュ・バンディクー4 さくれつ!魔神パワー
크래쉬 밴디쿳 마왕의 부활
Truly awesome soundtrack,does n't stay behind the PS1 games made by ND just as the game itself...wish all the Crash games that came after Wrath of Cortex were as good and as loyal to the ND games gameplay as WoC was.Love the soundtrack...sp ecially the song of the Castle bonus lvl.
Very good, I love a lot of the songs from Crash Bandicoot TWOC, my favorites are Damn Damage, Atmospheric Pressure, Crashes to Ashes, Crunch Time, and Eskimo Roll.
This is all great and all But there is actually one song that actually motivated me to go on websites like this one. I noticed you didnt add any of the levels after the Final Boss, which is disappointing because it was one of those that is the main song I've been looking for.
Excellent sound quality. Some of the tracks aren't very original but some of the others are well executed. There's a distinct song that I miss from this game, missing from this selection. I think its the secret warp room space one where crash is in a ball.
5 tracks missing altogether then - probably the ones in the secret warp-room which requires collecting relics to unlock.
Love this soundtrack! This game is my fav Crash game next to Twinsanity. Question, I have the 5 missing tracks from the extra levels, but I don't know how to upload them. Help?
But I'd like to know why the Bonus Levels aren't included in the soundtrack. Other than That I like This Soundtrack. "Crash Bandicoot the Wrath of Cortex.
Actually, there are WAY more than forgot the Bonus Path tracks. Aside from that, I give this a 10 for excellent quality, but until the five secret levels and all bonus paths have been added to this page, I'm not 100% satisfied. Good rip so far, however.
Very good quality!
Great score, but 1 and 3 are way better soundtracks, as well as 1, 2 and 3 are way better videogames. Wrath of Cortex is good enough, but it is obvious that it wasn't developed by the original creators/team. In addition, latest Crash Bandicoot videogames are just too awfull
Thank you very much for this original soundtrack.
A great album, but unfortunately my favourite two pieces of music were from the levels Ghost Town (Level 32) and Solar Bowler (Level 34) and the last 5 levels aren't on there.
But a great album overall.
i like quite a few of these songs but this is missing the music at the start with cortex and uka uka in the spaceship in a cut scene.. that music is also played at the end when you have all the gems. you see a funny cutscene that you dont when you merely have the crystals.
al so the credits theme isnt here and i quite like that too.. shame
i found knight time in stereo quality but cant upload it and this game is awsome and cool sorry that i cant share the knight time theme im really am sorry
The last 5 soundtracks are missing. I was pretty bummed 'cause "knight time" has my FAVORITE music. Now that you know how to obtain those songs from the previous reviews, please post them. Other than that, this soundtrack rocks! :)
08:39 May 20th, 2023Offline