Where's My Water? Soundtrack (Android, iOS, MacOS, Mobile, Windows) (gamerip) (2011-2013)

I just got my hands on some of the actual raw uncompressed music, so sometime in the future I'll update this with those files. The next update that is going to get on this website, will not have the uncompressed music, but the update after that will.
This album was updated on 12th of May, 2024.

Change Log:
- Add higher quality "Where's My Water? Christmas"
- Lower the volume on a few songs.
- Add missing track, "Cranky Level 4"
- Make most of the tracks loop better
- Add 0.25 silence to the the beginning of every track
- Increase length of fade.
- Fix the titles of some tracks.
This album was updated on 18th of May, 2024.

Change Log:
- Use uncompressed music (thanks David Ortega).
- Renamed some tracks
- "Cranky Theme" > "Cranky's Theme"
- "Allie Theme" > "Allie's Theme"
- "Mystery Duck Theme" > "Mystery Duck's Theme"
- "Mystery Duck's Magic Show" > "Magic Show" (and add a new track called "Mystery Duck's Magic Show")
- Add new tracks, including unused tracks.