Lucian Tak
This is a comments thread for the following album: - here is a screenshot of my albumAnd so... Now I will tell you (say "Thank you" to me) in what order the tracks should be
1. Defeatixe'd [Blacked's mix]
2. Defeat [Blacked mix]
3. Defeat [Blacked mix, v2]
P.S I'm doing an Ost called " Vs impostor resus"
What is an Ost called " Vs impostor resus"? - Vs impostor resus " is a fan project that includes the ENTIRE official and fan ost for the universe Among us and the Vs impostor fashion, I will be glad if you send me songs with fan modifications and covers for these songs, now there are about 707 songs in Resus and the exact amount of time to listen will take 28 hours 41 one minute and 57 seconds
That's it)