Plants vs. Zombies Original Soundtrack (2009)

I enjoy all the music but its too quiet!
I want to use the music in my Rpg Maker 2003 game "Chad's bull#### adventure" as a battle theme when sped up to 135% but its considerably too quiet compared to the other musics so it would either:
A: Be too quiet to notice
or B: He turns it up to 50% volume so he hears it normal only to be blasted with the overworld theme straight as he leaves the area.
Can you please make it louder?
One Of The Best Game In The World! šŸ˜... The Soundtracks Really Good, It Fits To The Game... PvZ 2 and On Is Such A Let Down Tho For Me... It Has A Cool Plants And Stages... But You Have To Pay For It If You Want To Get REALLY Good Plants... Ugh
Hey I know an another tower defense game soundtrack that's really good it's called Bloons TD 6 I was wondering if we can get the soundtrack on this website it's on mobile,Android, iOS,windows and mac