Y yoyoyoyoyo Registered Jun 8, 2023 #1 This is a comments thread for the following album: https://downloads.khinsider.com/gam...ew-stay-tuned-for-danger-windows-gamerip-1999
This is a comments thread for the following album: https://downloads.khinsider.com/gam...ew-stay-tuned-for-danger-windows-gamerip-1999
Y yoyoyoyoyo Registered Jun 12, 2023 #2 These old Nancy Drew games had pretty bad fuzz on the tracks. This is how they sound in the game. The file names are also pretty wonky.
These old Nancy Drew games had pretty bad fuzz on the tracks. This is how they sound in the game. The file names are also pretty wonky.
Y yoyoyoyoyo Registered Jun 12, 2023 #3 Some clearer / extended versions can be heard in the Music for Mysteries albums.