Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Premium Soundtrack (2005)

The tracks posted here are very, very well done. . .but. . .uhhhh. . .what happened to the rest of it? Please post the rest, my all-powerful soundtrack-uploading overlords!

What, this needs to be at least 100 words? That's kind of a silly requirement. It's not like I can really voice my opinion here since we only have a small portion of the soundtrack to comment on anyway. I feel like I'm in English class again. Except then, I was flagged for being TOO verbose. Can you imagine that? It's always "It's 10 pages over the specified limit" or "You're not allowed to us a 4.5 pt font with 0.3 line spacing and 5 inch margins". People don't seem to appreciate my banter. I find that extremely offensive, since I have a lot of things to say, and if they just took the opportunity to pay attention, they might find a few gems to enrich their lives. I mean, I'm not saying I'm an expert conversationalist or anything, but inspiration can come from even the most unlikely places, right? But, no, it's too much work to sit there and pay attention when someone is talking. I mean, I know I have a penchant to go off on a tangent about this or that, but my so called "long-winded" digressions often add diversity and intrigue to the discussion, I would like to think. Anyway, it is exceedingly rude to cut someone off when they have something meaningful to say, would you not agree? I mean, for someone to have the audacity to interrupt another while they're trying to---

What? You're cutting me off? BLAST!!!
???What happened to the rest of the songs?? i do recall that there were supposed to be like 70 songs or so..and 100 words? i dont even kno wat else to say... corn beans rice chicken la la la beans and eggs and rice and potatoes yumm with a lot of gravy yum and bread yum did i reach 100 words yet?
My sentiments exactly, but now I need to type a bit more, so...

Well, I've always thought it curious that we are required to write more. One would think that verbosity should not be rewarded, but rather the ability to get the point by in as few words as possible. For example, I wouldn't want the police to give a 20 minute sermon as to why we should evacuate the city; I just want to here "run!". Yet, there are times for verbosity. However, I personally believe that reviews are not always this case. After all, don't you just want to know what I think is right and wrong with it. If we can't do that in a few words, well then we're forced to give lengthy sermans about verbosity. If you've read this far, I'm actually surprised (I should publish a book via reviews, ha ha ha...)

Post more pl0x (as they say)
I thought Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance was one of the best games to hit the Gamecube and had some awesome scores. But like everyone else, there simply isn't enough here so please post more.
Please put the rest of the song list from the game here. This game does have a really nice soothing score that is still pretty memorable for me.