A Admin Administrator Staff member Apr 25, 2020 #1 This is a comments thread for the following album: https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/battletanx
This is a comments thread for the following album: https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/battletanx
G Guest Reviewer Registered Apr 25, 2020 #2 aw man i just got the game for x mas 2008 put some more songs for battle tanx!!!!! rock on you guys!
P Parambulator Registered Apr 25, 2020 #3 their has to be more from this game of amazing. this is a classic game so their should more tracks available for download
their has to be more from this game of amazing. this is a classic game so their should more tracks available for download
G Guest Reviewer Registered Apr 25, 2020 #4 Plz someone put battletanx global assualt soundtracks, also with the sound track of the first game.Now that would be great. PLz thx
Plz someone put battletanx global assualt soundtracks, also with the sound track of the first game.Now that would be great. PLz thx
G Guest Reviewer Registered Apr 25, 2020 #5 where are the other level songs!!! this is poor even for you! what's going on? this is a classic game and there must be more tracks available...
where are the other level songs!!! this is poor even for you! what's going on? this is a classic game and there must be more tracks available...
T Terrordar Registered Apr 25, 2020 #6 Seriously, where is the rest of this?? This game had a FANTASTIC soundtrack! Despite having a not so great storyline anyways...
Seriously, where is the rest of this?? This game had a FANTASTIC soundtrack! Despite having a not so great storyline anyways...
C CabriniGreen1990 Registered Apr 25, 2020 #8 We need the full OST, please! I love Queens NYC theme and Chicago Lake Shore Drive the best.
G Guest Reviewer Registered Apr 25, 2020 #9 YES FINALLY BATTLETANX SOUNDTRACK! Can't wait for the rest of the soundtracks to hit.