Battlefield 2142 (Windows)

The map loading music from Battlefield 2142, the menu theme and the victory/defeat music is included in this album.

From the good drumwork in Minsk to the harmonious choir in Verdun, it can get you into the mood of the game or provide some form of adrenaline rush.

My personal best tracks include Verdun and the Menu theme.

Even though the tracks have not much practical use (you can't sing to it or blast it without a thick skin), it's perfect for those who enjoy the game and its music.
I love them all, especially Suez Canal, Camp Gibraltar, Verdun, Minsk... All soundtracks are very good and perfectly fits the whole war them and if you even love the game you'd be more then happy to listen to all of those great soundtracks again. Also the menu music is completely different, and gets you in a relaxing mood, just exactly when you need a break between those rounds and rounds. Just love it! The composer deserves an award do doubt.
corn nuts brings back all of my memories! Played this game when I was 10 and had it for 5 years before it was offline. I'm 16 now, literally greatest game I've ever played. All of the people I met, all of the friends I had and the enemies I made cx made this one of the greatest, unforgettable games of my childhood, and for that. I cant thank old EA enough or you sir, for making these or putting them up for download. Thank you. -Jerry Blevins (VASQUEZ6784520 )