This is a comments thread for the following album:
That's a licensed song, which I'm sure isn't allowed on this site.Love this album, but I don't see the intro music. From the beginning cut scene?
PaRappa’s Level 3 Super music is added to the list.Not gonna lie,I love this soundtrack.HOWE VER, the only thing missing is Parappa the rappa's level 3 super!I hope it gets added soon...
The songs for Fearless and The Graveyard are added to the list.I like the series full of music, but it's missing two DLC stages such as Fearless and the Graveyard.
The music Kat, Emmet, Zeus, Issac, Fearless and The Graveyard are added to the list.Missing the music for Kat, Emmet, Zeus, Isaac, the Heavenly Sword stage music, and the Medievil stage music.