Need for Speed 4 - High Stakes

Wonderful collection of music and PS1 memories. Cant thank you enough. Cygnus Rift, paradigm-shifter, quantum singularity, romulus and callista are THE sounds to Need for Speed. Thanks for going to the time to complete this.
Quote > I've also been looking for these song for a long time and when i found this site i was like =D YAY!!

Greate st game in the series, and these beats are one of the main reasons, along with the nicely designed tracks and the sweet rides. Wish Need for Speed would go back and start doing games likes this. No Heavy metal, hip hop or rock (not that i don't mind them) but this type of music (techno) suits need for speed well, exotic rides, in exotic locations with exotic music is what need for speed was about XD.
paradigm_shifte r, photon_rez, quantum_singula rity,bulbular_s wirl_(garage), callista_(showc ase) and of course electro_optik are my childhood dream musics!
Paradigm shifter, Cygnus rift and Quantum singularity are like some alien super-human minds engineered these modular, deep and galactic soundworks. Along with NFS Hot Pursuit OST this is by far my most beloved atmospheric techno experience ever and remember, the mastermind is Mr. Rom di Prisco ...