Animal Crossing (GC) (gamerip) (2002)

Beautiful soundtrack for such a simple game. Wonderful job on creating this masterpiece!

Thank you to the kind person who uploaded this! :)
I have been an avid fan of animal crossing for years now and i love this music soundtrack! i have loved the game ever since my little sister got it and we would go to each other towns... great memories. Best Game in Canada!
THIS IS THE BEST!! GAME!!1 EVER!!!!! I LOVE IT SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! !! I PLAY IT ALL THE TIME!!!! THE MUSIC IS SO AMAZING!!!!! I SWEAR... K.K.'S MUSIC IS AMAZING, AND SO IS THE ENTIRE GAMEPLAY!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
I rate this album one because I am a jerk and I deserve to get punched... Lol, good work to whoever ripped this music. You are as awesome as it gets, cheers.
One of the best games i've ever played and ever produced.
So much memories come back, when i here this soundtrack
Omg I like cry every time I hear animal crossing music
Brings back so many memories! My fav
Character would hav to be Teddy & Penut!
Sometimes I wish that DS's the original dint get
Old, same with gameboys I liked that one hamster
Game, forgot what it was called tho
The soundtrack is good, but it's not a rip. You can hear sound effects on several of the tracks. For example, you can hear the sewing machine on The Able Sisters.