Pac & Pal (Arcade) (gamerip) (1983)

Luckily, I was able to translate the song names to English. If you want the names of the songs here they are:
1. Credit sound.
2. Game start music.
3. Main BGM.
4. Pac-Man turns over the cards.
5. The sound of Pac-Man eating a target.
6. The sound of Pac-Man eating a special target.
7. The sound of Miru eating a target.
8. Pac-Man emits a freezing ray.
9. The sound of Pac-Man blowing a smoke screen.
10. The sound of Pac-Man blowing a sound shutter.
11. The sound of Pac-Man hitting a tractor beam.
12. The sound of Pac-Man beating a small Pac-Man.
13. Warning sound when power goes out.
14. Warning sound when monster speed is fast.
15. Pac-Man disappearing sound.
16. Bonus adder tone.
17. Extend sound.
18. Rest time BGM.
19. The sound of Miru coming out in one of the cards in rest time.
20. The sound when Blinky appears in one of the cards in rest time.
21. Game over music.
22. No. 1 music with names.
23. 2nd to 5th music with names.

(P.S. September 3rd is when I'm gonna delete my account btw.)
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